[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need two for trials going flawless so if not good don't message gt above must have gone flawless before
VOG Atheon CP hard Gt KingNBubby1 msg for invite
Lvl 34 warlock looking to go flawless in trials. I need 1 person. Must have gone flawless b4 and be able to prove it and must have skill. Msg me my gt is same as user
VOG Atheon CP hard Gt KingNBubby1 msg for invite
I'm a 34 Titan ready for a 9-0 run roguexosprey12 been flawless 5x
Need two for ToO. Must have a positive kd and preferably have gone flawless before. Msg for inv gt is same.
Trials. Must communicate
Edited by Trek: 7/6/2015 9:02:42 PMNeed one more to help for flawless run. Xbox 360. We're not the best players in the world but work well as a team and open to strategies and suggestions. Need someone who can help us out. Both have been flawless this week already. Preferably want someone who has gone flawless before. Msg on xbl for inv, or inv me. Gt as above.
Need two for trials , must be 34 , max weapons , and have mic , msg at Captaindope4200
Trials. Must communicate
Need one for Trials of Osiris, must have went flawless before, not carried. Must be level 34. Message TheHipster7867 for invite.
Need 2 for trials. Message for invite. Experienced!! Gt is same as above.
Doing trials for fun. Not to win or lose who cares. Playing for fun so no need get mad or try hard need just 1 more that wants play for fun. Message Ah You Shot me . no requirements needed
Need 2 for trials 33+ just need one more win but am on 2 loses message thunderexia if you would like to help
Need 2 35 PoE fresh
Need two for trials must have been flawless before and have max weapons
Doing trials for fun. Not to win or lose who cares. Playing for fun so no need get mad or try hard need just 1 more that wants play for fun. Message Ah You Shot me . no requirements needed
Edited by SmirkyNutria50: 7/6/2015 6:02:05 PMLvl 34 hunter looking for 2 players that have gone flawless or looking to join a flawless team I have been flawless
Need 1 for flawless trials must be very good and 5+ flawless message venom corp
Need 1 34 for trials of osiris. Must be good and able to carry own weight. Flawless run. 365 weapons please. Previous flawless experience preferred. Gt same, message for invite.
Looking to go flawless must have gone flawless before msg cazman50 for inv
Need 2 for trials. Message for invite. Experienced!! Gt is same as above.
Xbox 360 need 2 to help me at trials of Osiris mssg Wolfdog1802 plz help me :)
Need 1 for trials who has been 9-0 before ( preferably warlock ) gt jamboothy msg for invite ( mic required )
Need 2 34s for trials -Must have gone flawless more than once -Must have max thorn or last word -Must have max shotgun with good range -Must be good and have amazing communication -Must have over 3000 grimoire If you dont meet all the requirements dont even bother messegeing me Gt same as above msg for inv
Need 2 for trials. Must be 34 with exotic emblem. GT: TocoBro