[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Could use one more to help me and wifey to at least get 5 wins off trials or better. Msg for invite.
Looking for a skilled iron banner team. Invite me gt is o Nullify
Could use one more to help me and wifey to at least get 5 wins off trials or better. Msg for invite.
34 hunter looking for help going at least 6 in trials. Invite madd hobbit 419 if u wanna help
Need one more for too
I am a 34 Hunter I went 7 Times flawless I have a mic I m really good at pvp I am looking for a team Only good player Same as above
Need a team I just wanna go flawless once my gt is huskyorangutan msg me for inv. please have a mic
Lookn for trails team. Must be lvl 34. Just shoot me a ivt. No kiddos. Gt d assassin 420
Need 2 for nightfall must be 33+ Message MonsterDew8
Need 2 34 for trials looking for flawless must know what you are doing and have a mic msg TFGxEnergy for invite no little kids
Trails of osiris need 2 more message alpha ojayy for invite on Xbox 360
Need 1 for trials. GT is DarkAssassinX15. I want to go flawless. I'm decent at PvP. Please be 34
Need good ass players for trials in a beast msg pookie 92
Lf skilled players to play trials with gt same as name
Need 2 more 34's to go flawless in trials Must have a mic, be experienced in trials, and gone to Mercury before Message for inv Gamertag same as above
Making a team for iron banner. Message Paralision Claw for an invite.
looking for 2 people to do trials of Osiris. I'm a lvl 34 warlock that has been to the light house every week since trials has started. looking for people that can carry there own weight and are good. message gt above.
I hate to ask this but I need 2 people who can help me go flawless again I can hold my own I just need that one team that'll lead me to victory once again so inv me if you can help Gt Singedpancakes
Making a team for iron banner. Message Paralision Claw for an invite.
Level 34 hunter with max thorn For trails, gt:xxs0renxx
Doing trials hoping to go 9-0 must have good weapons and experience I will carry my weight you must be able to too Maxed everything gt : FLINCH ATTICUS .... Message me for invite. please BE GOOD im not just saying it
Doing Trials of Osiris, going flawless..... I have gone 9-0 multiple times and would like to go again Requirements- 1, Maxed Guns you are good with 2, Level 34 3, PLEASE BE CAPABLE of going flawless! (1.3 or 1.4 KD's I mean) 4, Have gone flawless before If you have done all this feel free to message me at GT above, I have all boons and am ready to rumble, let's go!
Need 1 more for Trials on 360. We are both 34 and prefer a third 34. Mic as well please. GT: Lokavid
Need one more for ToO me and my friend go flawless everyweek send me a message for inv
Need 4 lv 34 for iron banner team
Need 5 lv 34 for iron banner