[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need one more for 34 Poe. Message me in game for invite
Level 34 Hunter for Flawless - been Flawless before - w/mic & maxed weapons -positive crucible KD. - looking for people who've gone flawless Message 4 invite : VERSACEMURDERER
My friend and I are at 7-0 in trials. We need one more person to help complete out 9-0 because we are trying to get 9-0 we are looking for very good PVP players to join us as we do not want to risk a loss. Please help if you can gt same as above
I am looking for two level 34's to go flawless with this week. I have gone flawless before. If you would like to join please have good weapons and be an experienced trials player. Msg me on here or send me a friend request BoomPow213
Need 2 level 34's, looking to go flawless. Must have a mic. Message lasersharks10
34 warlock need 2 to go flawless must have emblem msg level primary and class for inv
Need 2 lvl 34's for 5 wins or flawless (I don't really -blam!-ing care if we lost a mercy or one game) for trials, msg me on 360
34 warlock need 2 to go flawless must have emblem msg level primary and class for inv
Edited by You Are Bae: 7/4/2015 4:50:50 AMLooking for a trials team on 360 34 titan tlw and party crasher idc about flawless or this yada yada some people ask for to much i just want people with a mic for call outs thats it
looking for people who've gone flawless emblem and good player needs a mic too. Also good weapons I'll check if you've gone flawless must be 34. Gt same as above
Need one more for iron banner. Gt same as above
Level 34 Titan For Trials -been flawless every week -w/mic & maxed weapons -be 34+ Message for invite : VERSACEMURDERER
Need 4 no noobs GT ghostloads86
I am looking for two level 34's to go flawless with this week. I have gone flawless before. If you would like to join please have good weapons and be an experienced trials player. Msg me on here or send me a friend request BoomPow213
Doing trials, im good at crucible but ive never done ToO cus i havent cared to. If anyone wants to invite me... 34 hunter with 365 weapons Inv: uglysanchez
Looking for 4 for iron banner, we're playing right now so may not get response immediately, mic only no kids, gt same as name
Need 5 for iron banner GT DeviousLighting
Need experienced 34's to play iron banner message impact cougar for invite
Looking for an iron banner team invite me and my friend or message me for invite
34 Hunter looking for IB team. Top 2% in kills. Top 6% in KD. Gt Syntax 8
Looking for 1 to do trials - must have gone flawless before and have a mic - msg for invite
Looking for 1 lvl 34 players for trials you must have -good exotic primary- -a mic and communicate well- -good shotgun or sniper skills- -and no ragers or quitters- *msg joshter101 for inv*🎉👍🏽
Edited by DaJoc: 7/4/2015 2:52:33 AMNeed 1 for Iron banana message me for inv
Level 34 365 gjallahorn looking for 5 people to play Crota hard. I have the Crota check point message xThrift Shop
Need one more for trials!
Level 34 titan look for team of 34s be decent and have mic gt same as name