[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Level 34 titan look for team of 34s be decent and have mic gt same as name
Need one for flawless trials. Msg Morality v4v be lvl 34!
Anyone up for a chill trials run? Gt same
Looking for trials team. 34 warlock. Been flawless 10+
Need 1 34 (must be experienced) for trials not aiming for flawless but it would be nice keep in mind my brother is a 33 but I promise he can pull his own weight msg on Xbox for invite
Lvl 34 Titan looking for a team for iron banner msg me for invite
34 titan Maxed thorn and two to the morgue Looking for a team of 34s with good maxed guns I've been 7-0 Looking to go flawless Gt as above
Need 1 34 (must be experienced) for trials not aiming for flawless but it would be nice keep in mind my brother is a 33 but I promise he can pull his own weight msg on Xbox for invite
Could use one more to help me and wifey to at least get 5 wins off trials or better. Msg for invite.
Lvl 34 Titan looking for a team for iron banner msg me for invite
ATTENTION ALL GUARDIANS: Are you looking for a reliable Trial of Osiris group so you can go flawless on all your characters? Well if that's the case then I am putting together a Xbox 360 Trials team. I need 2 34's that have lots of experience and that are very active Trials players and must also have the flawless emblem. Message me at Merlinn18. I look forward to playing with you.
Lvl 34 Titan looking for a team for iron banner msg me for invite
Need one for trials message me in game for inv
i need 2 people for trials of osiris with maxed weapons im looking to go to the lighthouse.. i dont have a mic but i can hear gt is same as above
Looking for 1more person for Trails -Lv 32+ -Have Mic -Xbox 360 Console (My gamertag is up above)
Looking to run flawless trials need to 34s that have gone flawless before with over a 1.0 k/d I have gone flawless 8 times and looking to go again
Anyone up for a chill trials run? Gt same
Need 2 for trials , preferably warlocks lvl 34 I have flawlessed 14 times and looking to do it 2 more, I'm on my Titan now Must have flawlessed before and have maxed weapons Message for invite gt same as above^
Hosting trials Must be 34 Must have mic And must have been flawless Msg for inv Gt same
ToO flawless run 33+ up and need to be good at crucible msg Diegon 1990 for invt
Need 1 for trials msg Ah You Shot me
Need one more for tials :) going flawless
looking for a trials team don't really care about going flawless yet just want the packages message for invite gt above
need 3 for iron banner, msg gt same as above for inv
Need one more for flawless trials run. Must have gone flawless before. Message for invite. GT: Testybites
In anyonw we have 2 atm