[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
In anyonw we have 2 atm
Need 2 to a flawless run real fast must have gone flawless before on xb360 msg for inv
33 hunter for hire ToO gt: Kinda Mexican
ToO need 1 lvl 34 msg my gt for inv plz have good weapons and experience
Iron banner! Level 34 Titan 365 weapon dmg Gamer tag Ss 1o1
Trials need one experienced 34 or has been flawless msg at xEpic ownes
need 3 for iron banner, msg gt same as above for inv
Need 4 for iron banner, must have maxed out weapons an be level 33+. Msg "Belle Cariad" for invs.
Need 1 for trails has to have gone flawless multiple time and have emblem to prove it
Need 1 for trails has to have gone flawless multiple time and have emblem to prove it
33 warlock and 31 hunter on 360
Need 1 for ToO Must have been 9-0 before and have proof Need good maxed guns *be a sunsinger warlock*
eed 1 for trials be good and have gone flawless plz
Need 1 for trials. If interested gamertag is MMS Message. (Been to the lighthouse plenty of times)
Looking for iron banner team to chill with if your down send my a nessage my gt is GAWT Feedz
Trials map?
Looking for two people for Trials that want to flawless I'm a level 34 Titan that has done flawless before Gt is the same and Message me for an invite
im looking for one person to do trials with.. lets try to get flawless but dont get mad if we fail.. gt is same as above
Edited by WolfxJesus: 7/3/2015 6:01:35 PM360, lvl 34, looking for one more 34 to do trials. GT is same as above
Trials need one experienced 34 I'm a 34 hunter msg at xEpic ownes
34 warlock looking to go flawless again just went flawless earlyer today need other34s I hav maxed thorn and last word gt same as above MUST HAVE GONE FLAWLESS BEFORE and must be a warlock
34 Warlock, gone flawless before, looking for a team, invite me @ Jeb tK
Need one for trials gt same
Edited by ReactedBlock: 7/3/2015 5:42:01 PMNeed 1 person 4 trial 34 that won't leave if we lose a match PS have fun its a game gt same
Need one more for trails
2 for trials lvl 34 warlock