[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for one for trials of osiris must have gone flawless and have good guns message Abu5ive walru5 for inv
Looking for experienced players for trials of Osiris, plz have good guns
Looking for experienced players for trials of Osiris, plz have good guns
Looking for experienced players for trials of Osiris, plz have good guns
Looking to help people in trials GT DeviousLighting
Looking for a trails team to help me go flawless I'm a lvl 34 warlock Inv PyroDragonDraco
poe 34 gt same as above
Activity: Trials of Osiris Requirements: Lvl 34 with experience How to join: Msg Grimlock1209
Trials need one with experience and preferably a 34 msg at xEpic ownes
34 hunter for trials send invite gt same as above
Need 1 more person for Trials of Osiris send me a message if your interested gamertag same as above
Need 1 more for ToO -Must be good (will be checking) -Must be level 34 -Must have good weapons -Previous flawless not required but is a plus -Must have a mic and communicate Gt same, msg me for an invite
34 blade dancer hunter 34 void walker warlock Need 1 more 34 for trials Been flawless once this week already, Trying to go flawless again, so don't be a scrub Gt is Mizzouninja3 Message for inv
34 blade dancer hunter 34 void walker warlock Need 1 more 34 for trials Trying to go flawless, so don't be a scrub Gt is Mizzouninja3 Message for inv
Lfg ToO add me to team
Looking for a good trials team the last few I had ended up choking every round send me an invite to your fireteam gamertag same as username
Need people to go flawless with im titan with maxed thorn and have gone 7-0 before need help to finally go flawless GT R3CONxK1NG
Xbox 360 GT: Georgysaurusrex Hunter, level 32 Looking for anybody, really. No preferences. Message for invite, I'm on now
Need two people to help carry me through trials I'm a 34 all classes got the last word 365 just need two helpers
Need 2 for TOO going flawless, must have good weapons, mic, gt same as above msg to join and lets kick some ass, been flawless 15+ times hmu to join
ALRIGHT DUDES AND DUDETS attention, we are lOOKING FOR ONE 34 I need you to have weapons you can RECK with . ME AND MY FRIEND MAJORITY OF THE TIME CLUTCH IT so we need another one..we are asking for a lot but.not.much hahaha, Just send me.an inv.if.ready to.kick ass.
Need 2 trials must be experienced Gt SirXray
34 Hunter looking to go flawless again message gt above. .. please have gone as well.
Hosting too, need 2 sunsinger warlocks, must be 34 with mic, message awaller41 on xbox for invite
Looking for 2 lvl 34s any class maxed weapons. Have experience, and proof of been flawless. I've been flawless 24x very experience. And just looking to have fun and maybe flawless if possible lol. GT: Eternal Hail
Hosting too, need 2 sunsinger warlocks, must be 34 with mic, message awaller41 on xbox for invite