[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Hosting too, need 2 sunsinger warlocks, must be 34 with mic, message awaller41 on xbox for invite
Need two players who know exactly what they are doing and can go flawless with ease. Must be extremely confident in what you are doing and be good at it. Must have gone flawless 7+. MSG if you meet these requirements.
Lvl 34 warlock already went flawless this week. Gt is the same inv me
Lvl 34 warlock sun singer with max out Gjallahorn and mic looking for a group to run Crota hard fresh. Must have mic, experience and be lvl 33 or above. So if you are interested add me. GT: THEGUYILOSTTO Xbox 360
Need a lvl 34 warlock that has Selfrez and has gone flawless beforehand has weapons or emblem to prove it Get is same as above
LF one good teammate for trials Msg aViciousWhisper Xbox 360
need 2 for trials must have flawless emblem msg for invite Looking to go flawless. Must have gone flawless gt same as above. Must have max weapons and have mic
need 2 for trials must have flawless emblem msg for invite Looking to go flawless. Must have gone flawless gt same as above. Must have max weapons and have mic
need 2 for trials must have flawless emblem msg for invite Looking to go flawless. Must have gone flawless gt same as above. Must have max weapons and have mic
Looking to play crucible. If you want me to play send me a message GT DeviousLighting
Need 1 34 for trials must have gone flawless at least 3 times msg for inv
Flawless trials message for invite
Need 1 serious trials player
Edited by Sir Taco97: 6/27/2015 8:56:20 PM34 warlock or hunter. Msg me if you want help with anything. Gt same as my name. I've gone flawless as well.
Hosting too, need 2 sunsinger warlocks, must be 34 with mic, message awaller41 on xbox for invite
Trials 9 0 message for invite
Need one Lvl 34 warlock that has gone flawless. get same as above
Need 1 more for trials msg for invite
Need two for a trials team. Must be good at crucible Must be 34 Must be loyal and stay with the group (No rage quitting) Gt same msg for invite
Need one more for trials. Mudt have gone flawless and have emblem to prove it and no squeekers
34 hunter hosting trials of Osiris flawless run must: Over 1 trials KD Be 33+ Gone flawless before Be good Mic Msg jmacELITE2305
Need 2 for trials in trying to flawless again. Please be good at crucible. Must be 34 have gone flawless before.
Need a good player for trials, we not carrying nobody so if u wanna get invite message me
Lvl 34 warlock Need 2 for trials a hunter and titian msg Black Sheep X95
Need 2 for trials please help be the best their ever was like ash Ketchum I've gone flawless 4 time a but it seems hard this week please have gone flawless this week message venom corp
34 striker titan 34 void walker warlock Need 1 more 34 for trials Trying to go flawless, so don't be a scrub Gt is Mizzouninja3 Message for inv