[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 1 more for trials
In trials need one more looking for flawless level 34 invite me if u wanna join GT SAME
Need 2 34's. Must have thorn, good shotgun/sniper. Tracking rocket. Must have gone flawless before and have emblem. No kids please. Don't have me carry you.
Level 34 warlock looking for a serious team who has previously gone 9-0 with max WEAPONS (THORN, LAST WORD ETC.) Must be good. EXOTIC EMBLEM REQUIRED. GT: LIVINREKLESS007
[Xbox 360] **P.O.E.** Level 33 Titan, need two players to complete POE on level 32. GT: SQUEEZEMELONS
Need two trying to go flawless
Lvl 34 warlock sunsinger Lvl 34 warlock void walker Both of us have gone flawless multiple times Looking for someone that has been flawless as well Gt is mizzouninja3 Message on xbox for inv
Need one experienced player for trials Must have gone flawless (have emblem) Message A 88 Incher for invite
need 2 very experienced players for trials of osiris. Please have gone flawless before. msg for inv
Doing trials looking to go flawless. MSG DOME RipTide on the 360 if you have a 1.5+ k/d in trials.
Need one for trials. 34, and have gone flawless befor
Doing trials looking to go flawless. MSG DOME RipTide on the 360 if you have a 1.5+ k/d in trials.
Need one lvl 34 for trials, don't suck
Doing trials looking to go flawless. MSG DOME RipTide on the 360 if you have a 1.5+ k/d in trials.
Need 3 hard atheon cp 31+
Need one more for trials
34 Hunter looking for 2 other good players to run through the Trials of Osiris. -Looking to go flawless -must be level 33+ -previous flawless NOT required just be serious about it and have skill to back it up -you must be good if not you will be replaced -must have good PvP weapons -must have a mic (mandatory) -must have map knowledge and skill GT same, msg me for an invite
Looking for a good trials team the last few I had ended up choking every round send me an invite to your fireteam gamertag same as username
Need 2 players for trials please be good I want the packages at least GT DeviousLighting
Need 2 for Trails message get same as above
Level 34 hunter looking for a serious team who has previously gone 9-0 with max weapons (Thorn). Must be good. GT: LIVINREKLESS007
Looking for 2 people for trials of osiris. I don't care about level, kd, or if you have a mic. I just want to complete my trials. Message narwhalreborn for inv
Going flawless need 2 34s only good weapons, mic, experience, good connection, no scrubs and no going -blam!-ing AFK (do not leave in the middle of the damn match to do something) msg for invt MUST BE GOOD AND HAVE GONE FLAWLESS
Need two good Lvl 34's for trials... Trying to go flawless. If ur not good don't join!
Need 2 experience players for toO must be 34 and have went flawless
[quote][quote][b][u]RUNNING FLAWLESS[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck![/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: Plasify *•*[/b] [b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Shotgun Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED~~~[/u][/b][i] [b][i]Note: If you haven't gone flawless and don't have maxed weapons and don't me the requirements than don't message[/i][/b][/quote][/quote]