[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for a team for trials I'm a lvl 34 sunsinger looking to go flawless I've been 9-1 before I have no mic but can hold my own.
Lvl 34 titan looking for a good team to do trials of Osiris with
Ok guys here is the plan im looking for 2 more flawless guardians to do trials with. Must have gone flawless before have thorn,lastword or red death all must be maxed and have a shotgun with range and a sniper and be skilled dont waste my time msg me for inv gt same as above.And must be 34
Looking for anyone to play trials of osiris with
Need 2 for Trials Trying to go flawless Message for invite Gt is same as above
Need 1 must be 34 and good for flawless gt same as above
Trials of Osiris need 1 34
Need 1 For Trials Must B Able To Hold Your Own.
Need 1 more for trials. Must have experience with trials and must be level 34. My gt is Exotic Duckz
Need 2 for trials -must be lvl 34 -mic required -must have gone flawless before -must have skill -please be good Msg for invite
I need two lvl 34 and up guardians that are really good in the pvp for trials of Osiris
34 hunter looking for a team to go flawless. Have been flawless every weekend with all 3 accounts.
Edited by Pantera Kitten: 6/19/2015 8:09:05 PMLevel 34 Hunter with Alpha Lupi and The Last Word. Looking for 2 for ToO. Can talk into mic,but can hear,and I have experiance. Haven't gone 9-0,but have gone 8-1. Can't purchase anything from Osiris,just want the weaponry. Message same as above.
Crota hard cp 33+ need a sword gt same msg for invite
Need 2 great players for trials, looking to go flawless and need some help, 34 only GT: FSGV msg for invite
Need one for trials, gt same
Trying to do Trials of Osiris flawless 9-0. Need experience, to be level 34, and 365 weapons. Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER.
New plan, need people that is good and have proof of being flawless . Lv 34 any class. Not some scrub who has been carried through it! GT: Eternal Hail
Looking for 2 to get 7 wins in trials . Must have 365 guns. Good kd . Experience. Gt- D4 Slays
Need a lvl 34 to help carry me and my friend to 9-0 in the trials need to have been to the lighthouse multiple times message for invite my gt is as above
Getting ready for trials 34 only Have overall above 1.5kd Mic, 365 guns with perks Been to the lighthouse Serious skill Msg: DeadlyKnight102
Need 1 more for trials flawless run. Muse have gotten it before. And must be able to hold your own. If you do not prove yourself in first match u will be replaced. My gt is the same as above
Need a team for trials 34 only Have maxed weapons and experience Be a good teammate (try not to rage quit) Be able to communicate (have mic) Message gt above for inv
Need two for flawless trials run,bring tryhard weps gt same if your bad beond belief you get kicked.
Need 2 for POE 35......a lot experience. ..please....and good guns...msm me xbox...
Need a lvl 34 to help carry me and my friend to 9-0 in the trials need to have been to the lighthouse multiple times message for invite my gt is as above