[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need two for trials - must be experienced - need one win for helmet - msg for inv 34 only
34 needed for trials. Just one please
Need 1 to play toO just trying to get the packages GT DeviousLighting
Looking for a level 34 warlock and level 34 titan for flawless trials. Must have gone flawless before (I will be checking emblems), must have the intent to go flawless tonight, must have a mic, must be able to call out what is happening around you, must be very good at pvp, and must have a maxed thorn. If you do not meet the criteria don't ask! Message me in game for an invite. Gt: Noobdefeater
Need one person for Trials attempting flawless 33+ preferred message Sir Ubisoft if interested
2 expd 34s need 1 for flawless run NO MICs gt Wwalker03
34 Titan Looking To Go Flawless Very Experienced Load out: -Messenger (Adept) -Felwinters Lie -Gjallarhorn Must Have Been Flawless Before Message GT Above
Im lookin to do trials of osirus. Im 32 but always end up carrying my team of 34s. Inv Sniffermantis
Im lookin to do trials of osirus. Im 32 but always end up carrying my team of 34s. Inv Sniffermantis
Trials trying to go flawless Lvl34 only Mic Good And can carry their weight With a new passage
I'm looking for two 34s for trials that have been flawless before. I haven't gone flawless but I have always led my team in games. Gt same as name.
Need one for ToO gt same as above
Need 1 more for trials. Please have maxed guns and be a 34...have to have a grimoire score of 3000....gt same as above, message for invite
Need one for trails flawless
Just looking to help people go flawless on ToO I'm 34 gone flawless 4 times with thorn GT DeviousLighting
Need one for trials of Osiris msg gt above for inv
Need 2 experienced players I have went 9-0 so only ask for inv if u have to
Need 2 experienced players I have went 9-0 so only ask for inv if u have to
34 Titan also I've went flawless several of times already. Need a group of flawless players for trials of orsiris. GT: Kutthroat VII Message for INV or inv me
really want to go flawless msg me if you can help 34 hunters thorn sniper
Lvl 34 titan Lvl 34 warlock Can do either class Need 1 more for a ToO run Gt is mizzouninja3 Message on xbox for inv
Looking for a trials team invite quic redemption on x360 in skilled and have been flawless
Good with a sniper invite Dakramus
Lvl 34 titan looking to go flawless already did it on my hunter 34 only Need a mic Hunters and warlocks preferred And you just need good weapons such as thorn. last word.red death etcetera[/quote] And need to have done flawless before
I am a 34 warlock and have gone flawless Looking for 2 other super good pvp players for trials Gt same
Looking for a trials team. Message above gt for inv