[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Looking for a trials team. Message above gt for inv
Lvl 34 hunter can do either class Looking to join a fire team for a ToO run Gt is mizzouninja3 Inv me
LF1 lvl 34 w/ at least 1.5 K/D for Flawless Trials of Osiris run. Send a message to MatchedCloud079 with your level, class, weapon setup, and K/D. I'm not trying to waste time with a crap team.
34 Hunter i went 3 Times flawless I've got a mic Maxed Thorn Looking for 1 pp I am really good at pvp
Doing trials of Osiris, need highly skilled level 34's. can't get past 4 wins with random.[b]Reply Here[/b]
34 Hunter i went 3 Times flawless I've got a mic Maxed Thorn Looking for a team I am really good at pvp
34 Warlock with max Thorn, looking for a "ToO" team. Gt is the same.
Lvl 34 titan looking for 2 other 34s to go flawless. Must have emblem, a mic, maxed thorn, and PVP EXPERIENCE. Msg me on xbox for invite. GT: OMG iTzz BatmaN
Need 1 for trials message me in game gamertag same as username
34 Warlock with max Thorn, looking for a "ToO" team. Gt is the same.
Lvl 34 hunter lfg for trials
[b][u]Trials of Osiris[/u][/b] •Doing a casual trials run •I dont give a shît about flawless •gt: [b]pls dunt ban me[/b] 1 more spot
[b][u]Trials of Osiris[/u][/b] •Doing a casual trials run •I dont give a shît about flawless •gt: [b]pls dunt ban me[/b]
Edited by QUIC REDEMPTION: 6/15/2015 4:53:42 AM34 titan looking for a few good men for trials got 1 day left to get my last two toons flawless gamertag is the same as my username message me in game for invite
Lvl 34 Hunter Looking To Do Trials Must Have Good GunS, Be Smart & Have Good Communication GT: C9 Dialects
I'm a 34 Titan I'm on Xbox 360. I need a team for trials. I'm pretty good just can't seem to find the right players to complete a whole card. Gamertag is same as above. Hmu
Lvl 34 hunter maxed weapons positive kdr Looking for one more for toO good pvp player message for inv gt: FIRE CRUSTIES33
Need one for Trials, good pvp player trying to go 9-0
Lvl 34 Hunter Looking to do trials.....must be experienced GT; C9 Dialects
Trials? We need one more. We are both skilled in pvp and have gone flawless many times Gt same as above We will test you in elimination to see how you hold up
Looking for team to go flawless went flawless before and have good weapons invite gt fieldgeneral630
Looking for 1 34 flawless player to help me out in trials
hunter thorn found verdict in between rounds (i gear swap to Ghorn for heavy) gunslinger aclophage looking to go 9-0 msg me
Looking for two experienced lvl 34 players to play some trials
Looking for 1 34 flawless player to help me out in trials
Looking for 2 flawless player to help me get 5 wins for gear in trials. Message for invite if willing to help. Gt above.