[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 34 titan can do either class Looking to join a fire team for a ToO run Gt is mizzouninja3 Inv me
Need 2 for Poe lvl 32 message me Dragonruler17 for inv have gally
Lvl 34 poe must be lvl 34 to join
Looking for a very skilled player to help me and my friend get at least five wins
Let's Doooooo Ittttttttt FRESH CROTA EASY Msg xScrublord2000x for inv 31+ Only with mic
Need 2 for trials run gt same as above
I'll be honest here - I'm an experienced pve player who lacks in pvp - I've gone 8-1 but I need flawless really bad - Anyone who's gone flawless and are ex msg me gt is above - Thank you for your time
Need 2 34's. Must have thorn, red death, good shotgun. Tracking rocket. I just went flawless on other character for this map. Must have gone flawless before and have emblem. No kids please.
Looking for 2 people who have been flawless to help me go flawless yesterday I went 9-1 I'm a lvl 34 warlock with maxed weapons I don't have a mic but I'm very good gt same
Looking for two guardians who wants to go flawless in trials gamertag same as username message me in game
Need 2 34's. Must have thorn, red death, good shotgun. Tracking rocket. I just went flawless on other character for this map. Must have gone flawless before and have emblem. No kids please.
Doing Trials -Must be 34 -Must have good weapons -Must be able to communicate (no kinect pls) -Must be good at crucible -And be a good teammate Msg for inv or inv Me [Gt is same as user
Lvl 34 looking for trials team. Send invite
Lvl 34 warlock Lvl 34 titan can do either class Looking for a ToO run Gt is mizzouninja3 Message for inv
34 flawless titan need 2 more. Must have gone flawless and have max weapons. Looking to go 9-0. Message me for invite.
Need 2 34's for trials Must have maxed out thorn Must be 34 Must be experienced in cruicable and good at sniping Must have eye of Osiris And must have gone flawless 2-3 times Must have all maxed weapons!!!!
Looking for flawless trials team. 34s only. Must have gone flawless before. Gt Beautifl tryhrd
Need 2 very experienced player for trials of osiris. Please have gone flawless before. msg for inv
Lvl 32 poe must be 32 to join
Lvl 33 Titan LF Trials group. Xbox 360 Both subclasses are maxed. 365 Ghorn, Vex, Thorn, and Fatebringer. Team player with above average skill.
Looking for a group to do trials with. I'm trying to go flawless and I need skilled and players that are Aggressive and smart. Must have a mic and max weapons. Message me for inv
If anyone is willing to carry someone who can hold their own in ToO, please message me. I'm not bad by any means, just think I've not met the right team yet. GT same as above
Looking for one more flawless player Both of us have flawlessed, we can hold our own. Message me for invite We are going to the lighthouse.
Need help I am 5 and 0 going for 9 and 0 message me for invite Gt LinkedAmoeba501 trials
Need 2 very experienced player for trials of osiris. Please have gone flawless before. msg for inv
- Trials Of Osiris - Going flawless - Have good weapons ( Thorn, Vex, Red Death etc. - Exotic Emblem Required - 34s Only - Have Experience - Don't Suck - Have A Mic - GT: Wordplay af