[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 34 for TOO on 360 gt is Bandit the god need mic full 365 last word thorn vex myth must have experience with pvp and be good looking to go flawless
Need 2 for trials GT same
Need 1 more for ToO, full Thorn needed, 34+, message in game for inv
Need 1 more 34 for trials. Must know what you are doing. Looking to go flawless msg CarolinaFan193 for an invite
Need 2 for ToO msg for inv gt same Must be 34 and have thorn or vex
Need one for trials. Be a 34 with good weapons Msg Gt: NiteTrollerMC
I need to get flawless Must need -34 -Maxed guns -Experienced -Mic Don't matter what class as long as u r good
Need 1 for trials we are very experienced we have went flawless countless of times GT: AvenguRs
Doing hard crota cp need 5 msg GT above for invite 32+
Need 1 34 maxed exotic weapons and expericed for Too. Gt above
Looking for a level 34 titan and a level 34 warlock for trials of osiris flawless run. MUST HAVE GONE FLAWLESS BEFORE, MUST HAVE 365 MAXED OUT THORN, MUST HAVE A MIC, MUST BE GOOD AT PVP!!!! Message me if you have what it takes. Gt: Noobdefeater
Running flawless trials Must have * gotten flawless with the exotic emblem on * a max thorn or red death * kd above 1.5 Messae superdude056 if you meet the expectations
Trials 34 only Good weapons Good experience Need mic Message for invite
34 warlock sunsinger shotgun light beyond nemesis thorn Ghorn gt brax420 looking to join good players for trials
Need 2 lvl 34 for trials msg DNC wolfy nayel must be skilled
Looking for a 34 for ToO. Message Ecchiverse for an invite. D O N T. M E S S A G E. M E. I F Y O U R E. S H I T. A N D. Y O U. K N O W. I T. I'm not gonna carry you 9-0. Message me with your class type.
Very competitive player, need 1 more to do trials. Please be experienced, have a mic and PLEASE communicate. If you don't know what competitive means... Then please don't message me for invite. Gt: An Angelz Devil
Need 1 for trials be 34
Need one 34 for trials. Msg gt above
I want 2 people who are willing to carry a 34 warlock to lighthouse GT: BlockyCommando
[b][u]✨RUNNING FLAWLESS✨[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck![/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: Ms x Aviaa*•*[/b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniper Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED~~~[/u][/b][i] [b][i]Note: If you haven't gone flawless and don't have maxed weapons and don't meet the requirements than don't message[/i][/b]
Running flawless trials Must have * gotten flawless with the exotic emblem on * a max thorn or red death * kd above 1.5 Messae superdude056 if you meet the expectations
Need 1 34 For trials Be experienced
fresh hard crotas lvl 33+ mp Kharmi Nux on 360
Need 1 for trials must be 34! Plz be decent haha
Need 2 34s with maxed exotics or good legendary weapons. Must be experienced and been flawlessly before. Gt above