[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 34s with maxed exotics or good legendary weapons. Must be experienced and been flawlessly before. Gt above
LF1 lvl 34 for Trials to go Flawless. Must have at least a 1.5 K/D and a mic. Message MatchedCloud079 with your level, class, and weapon setup. We have gone flawless more than 3x every week so we are only looking for skilled players that can hold their own. We won't carry anybody either.
Looking for 1 more player for Trials must been to the light house already and must be very experienced GT: AvenguRs
Looking for a 34 for ToO. Message Ecchiverse for an invite. D O N T. M E S S A G E. I F Y O U. R S H I T. A N D. Y O U. K N O W. I T. I'm not gonna carry you 9-0. Message me with your class type.
Looking for 2 34's to go flawless AGAIN. Need a warlock and hunter. Must have 365 thorn. Good sniper. Tracking rocket. GT is the same.
I am looking for a team that will help me go flawless for my first time tomorrow If u have already gone flawless that would help too I try to stay positive and consider myself an ok PvP player If u are a kind person who would be willing to help me tomorrow, send me a friend request :)
34 Warlock with Gally and Black Hammer. Looking for PoE 35. Experienced and have beaten Skolas 3 times a week since release. JermsD
At Skolas co and need a 34 titan with weapons of light and a max black hammer and gjallarhorn Message superdude056 for inv
Need one for 32 prison of elders msg AwareHalozac for invite
I like what you are doing here xXUofT GhostXx!!! Keep doing stuff like this so more people will get into trials.
Need one more for level 35 Poe better a Titan 34 message me for a invite GT: Attack Riley
About to do level 35 Poe you have to be level 34 and max g-horn and know what you need to do and need one Titan GT: Attack Riley
Need one to run PoE 35 doesn't matter what class Aslong as you have black hammer and gjallarhorn we know a great strategy for killing skolas message ZombieManIrish
About to do level 35 Poe you have to be level 34 and max g-horn and know what you need to do and need one Titan GT: Attack Riley
Trying to start a trials team before reset 33+ and must have good guns. Not necessarily going for flawless but at least to five wins Must have mic And be good with sniper Gt: Vendetta RC
Looking to do trials. Lvl 34 hunter. Just want rewards on the character. Flawless if team is cohesive. Msg for invite. Gt same
Looking for 2 34's to go flawless AGAIN. Need a warlock and hunter. Must have 365 thorn. Good sniper. Tracking rocket. GT is the same.
[xbox 360] Need 2 players for trials, must have at least a 1.20 kd, have the exotic emblem, mic, good weapons going for flawless again this week gt same as above. Msg me and let's get it, Im a lvl 34 Self Res
Need 2 34 trials 9-0
Need 2 people to go flawless with. Must have maxed primary (Preferably Thorn, Last word, Or vex). Must be 34+ Gt as above
Need one lvl 34 with good guns gt same
Need one more for our trials of Osiris team GT: Matt Aymar
Need 5 for crota have bridge cp message mikester311 for inv
Need 1 lvl 34 for Trials of Osiris Must have been to the lighthouse!!! Only msg if you meet the requirements
Just need two more wins Not trying to do flawless just need help with two wins to get the 8th win package Message GT above on Xbox
Need 2 34 trials 9-0