[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Need 2 34 trials 9-0
Need 2 for trials msg for inv gt same I'm level 34 titan striker must be level 34, VERY EXPERIENCED, must have already gone flawless, and must have max thorn, last word, or red death, or vex all 365 or close I would prefer a warlock sun singer
34 titan looking for TRIALS TEAM need 1 more 34 positive k/d and mic required GT is greatmast3rmind
Looking for team invite XQSNOWXQ already hit level 5 on other characters
34 titan have rank 3 and a half on iron banana looking for good team send invite " Ninja Twinkee "
34 Hunter lookin for good team Have gone flawless before Gamer tag coolikejohnny Invite or message
Need 1 34 for Skolas CP, must have 365 Truth
Just need two more wins Not trying to do flawless just need help with two wins to get the 8th win package Message GT above on Xbox
Lvl33 warlock with max guns looking for Osiris team
need help to flawless u must have flawless mgs for nv
[xbox 360] Need 2 players for trials, must have at least a 1.20 kd, have the exotic emblem, mic, good weapons going for flawless again this week gt same as above. Msg me and let's get it, Im a lvl 34 Self Res
Looking for 2 34's to go flawless AGAIN. Need a warlock and hunter. Must have 365 thorn. Good sniper. Tracking rocket. GT is the same.
Trials. Need 1. Looking for first flawless. Message on Xbox for invite.
trying to go flawless for ToO, went 8-1/9-1 last two weeks invite l3lackRa1n to your fireteam please have gone flawless before!
Looking for 1 more for trials must be some what skilled msg gt above for inv
Looking to do a passage before bed, 34 warlocks would be cool. Good sniping skills a plus
Level 34 Warlock looking for a group of two with at least a 1.4 k/d I have max Thorn, Gjallarhorn, Matador, and more along with Purifier Robes Gamertag : Squeker Voices
Anyone wanna run iron banner? Level 34 hunter and I have a team of 3 now and we could use 3 more so message me if you're 32+ and would like to join
Looking for iron banner fire team 33 hunter with max thorn
Looking to join a fireteam for Iron Banner. Level 34 Hunter. GT is same as above.
Need 2 lvl 33+ for PoE 32
Looking for a trials team. Don't care if you've been flawless or not before. I'm a 34 hunter with max TLW and praedyths
Looking for a flawless team. Must have gone flawless before and have decent weapons. Message me for invite or invite me to your game.
I was wondering if 2 34s who have gone flawless in ToO would help me achieve my FIRST 8 win streak or my FIRST flawless run. Message me on Xbox if u are kind and are willing to help me out. :)
[xbox 360] Need 2 players for trials, must have at least a 1.20 kd, have the exotic emblem, mic, good weapons going for flawless again this week gt same as above. Msg me and let's get it, Im a lvl 34 Self Res
Need 1 for trials gt Xi GoDO Ix