[i][b]DONT[/b] get sent home [b]CRYING[/b], instead [b]FIND[/b] a [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] team[/i][b]![/b]
keep it simple guardians
[b]Simple Template[/b]
• your console
• your lvl
• lvl players your looking for
• Average KD your looking for(optional)
Lvl 32 PoE Be 33+ Have good weapons Know how to do Qordon
Any players need a lvl 34 Titan with multiple maxed exotics has a mic and a team player Gt same as above
Need one more for ToO message me GT: Dawn CzaR
Looking for 2 lvl 34s Need to go flawless Xbox 360 Preferably people that have been to lighthouse
Need one experienced lvl 34 with a good weapon for ToO message: fonlom for inv
Need 2 for Trials Must be LVL 34 Gt SirXray
One more for trials, Gt is the same
LF team Trial of Osiris Warlock lvl 34 MP in game Kharmi Nux on 360
34 hunter max thorn praedyths revenge sniper and matador shotgun gt Stupitt Monkey
34 hunter max thorn LF iron banner group gt Stupitt Monkey
Need one for ToO using my second character gt same as above
Need one experienced lvl 34 with sniper for ToO message: nat0p0tat013 for inv
Looking for two more ppl to do trials with. Just for practice and fun really Gt:TheGeneralWoo
Need a group full of experience PvP Players No scrubs Have good max guns msg for inv
Doing hard vog need4 32+ mic and exp doing the raid go same as above
Lfg to run trials be 34 be good
Need one more for ToO with good guns who has been to lighthouse before - msg for invite
Lvl 34 warlock with max thorn and gjallarhorn. Looking for ToO group (34 only's). Gt Hamytheturtle
Need 2 lvl 34s for trials
Need 4 for Iron Banner. 33's and 4's /w Mics Message for invite Gt is same as above
Looking for 2 flawless trials players with thorn
Lvl 34 warlock looking for 2 lvl 34s trying for flawless must be experienced and have good guns I have no mic but I'm very good at pvp gt- GUNHULK47
Cash for light house messae clips 99 that simple , sick of this shit , I need the best for cash !!!!
34 hunter looking to do lvl 34 and 35 PoO You have to be 34 good void weapons and gjallarhorn GT HYPERXASSASSIN
Looking to do trials need 2 34 who have experience GT DeviousLighting
I would like two people who would like to do trials of Osiris frequently, I am lvl. 32. Gamer tag Football JJ 33