I know many people would like to see another WWII Call of Duty, I think that it is exactly what the franchise needs to revive itself. Call of Duty has the best controls and feel for a first person shooter, Battlefield is awkward and feels sloppy so I didn't include it. Please share your thoughts!
Edited by RübblyRanch: 7/27/2015 8:33:11 PMThere should be like an MMO CoD Classic, set like how Planetside 2 is. So CoD Classic, but an MMO
I'm not really interested in games that take in the past. I like games that take place in the present or the future.
No there's so many of them that they've gotten stale. The problem is the devs for cod think exos = futuristic when no one likes them and they want to play a cod like cod waw but next gen but it will suck as cod is running dry with ideas so all the game will be is what blops 3 is without exos and a ww2 background
How bout a full on Medal of Honor revival. MoH>CoD
I just want a game company to make a WW2 game not cod dev's in particular
I want to invade France as a German soldier and start the Operation Barbarossa.
Anyone else want a German campaign? It could be very story driven, and probably one of the saddest stories in gaming... But I'd pay $120 for a high quality German campaign.
Battlefield needs another WW2 game as well. I don't care about campaign. Make it multiplayer only like the old ones were once upon a time. 1943 was good, but it wasn't even for PC. And it's been 6 years anyway, plenty of time for a new installment.
How about battlefield. -blam!- cod
No. Because it would look like this.[spoiler]Modern world war black ops: alien invasion[/spoiler]
I'd like to see activision go bankrupt so cod can die.
Edited by N4VYS43L: 7/27/2015 2:09:47 PMI think cod should just stop, but if they were to return to WWII, it should take place in the Pacific Theater.
Any ww2 shooter would be nice
Another ww2 battlefield game
[quote]Only single-player campaign[/quote][quote]Mission editor for user-generated content[/quote]Would pay full price if the studio pulled off a great story.
Edited by Sora Orth: 4/29/2015 7:49:58 PMhttp://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_II_video_games Because we don't have enough of those yet
World war II with a better story writing developer than COD's
We just need to take a few years off from the cash grab FPS dynasties for a while.
Blah blah hate about cod Blah blah something not even related to op Blah blah biased hate There, I just saved you the trouble of reading the comments section.
How about a WW3 game without all the exos. Something like wolfenstein the new order.
Nah, WW2 games have worn out their welcome
[quote]I don't care about FPS's[/quote] How about, I don't care about COD?
They made a mistake with bo3
I like futuristic war
It would be nice for another one to be made but I wouldn't really care if it never happened.
I am tired of playing in what amounts to an oil pan you can't walk over the edges you can't get on top of things and you can't interact with objects.