The isle of winds is far to the east, across a vicious sea. Travel by air is impossible due to the lightning, which seems to gravitate towards anything above a certain altitude, so we will need to go by boat. I would recommend bringing both and ranged and melee weapon, as the isle is fabled to play host to a wide range of demonic beasts. Personally, I am bringing a titanium longsword and a high caliber scout rifle. To dispatch monsters from a distance and close up. The isle is not too large, but has the mysterious ability to confuse those who travel there, we will need to be cautious. We leave as soon as possible!
Ok. then I iwll bring my meele skills. My buzz axe. shotgun Smgs. 5mm CHaingun. FLm,athrower. Granade laucnehr and toxic granades
Sounds good. Be wary of using the flamethrower though. The isle of winds is rumored to have a jungle, and setting that on fire would alert everything on the island of our presence. Enough chatter though, let us make haste! [spoiler]I will respond in a little bit to emulate our traveling on the boat. If you respond now, bear in mind that we are on a ship![/spoiler]
*trying to mantain balance* AH -blam!- it. i HAte water i am a ground troop not a Sailor. There where no seaas oN MArs. I DONT EVEN KNEO HOW TO SWIM! *lights s smoek and sits on the center*
Shit! No one say a thing about boats!!
Don't worry! The journey is not much longer