No single game killed Destiny yet. So far Destiny is killing itself with the lack of content/slow release of new content. With this type of game people will always be hungry for more, which is a good thing! Bungie could make a killing on DLC if they made it release more often.
With Black Ops 3 beta on the horizon, my game time will be filled between the two.
But elder scrolls should deal the final blow lol
I'm with you on that one. When elder scrolls is released bungie will have to increase my vault space otherwise Destiny will be getting dismantled.
They can give infinite vault space for all I'll care lol I have like 20-25 guys all ready to make a guild and my bro tranferred his account from PC to ps4 so he will know what's up from the get go,gonna be sick
Oh that's awesome. I'm on Xbox1 just now but I'm buying the ps4 and elder scrolls on the same day. I want the best possible gameplay experience for this game and sadly my Xbox just won't cut it.