we need a place to report lag switcher and hackers. i swear 70 percent of my crucable play is rigged.there are diy videos on how to lag switch this game.it needs to stop.
Reporting cheaters is, in fact, an option! Go into the menu, click on the player, and simply report them for cheating. But, the player might not be cheating at all and could just be running on a bad connection. I suggest messaging them and asking before you jump to any conclusions.
Dandy_In_Space I can post video for proof
Watch the start lobby. If you see someone gt get all funky looking, bounce. Also, scan a few profiles. If they are a team from really far away...you shouldn't stay in that lobby. It will wreak havoc on your equipment. I've had to cold boot my entire NAT 3x in under 48 hours...
You are right if not more im fed up with it. Need a new game ive reported on this Bungie dose not care
A level 10 titan was dancing as I used my super on him earlier, he did not die. God made is all over iron banner, hate it.
You lot have been playing too much cod not everyone has lag switches their not very easy to get hold of not everyone goes out of their way to get them plus if the use them MS/SONY/Bungie can see that there messing with the data traffic and they will get banned very quick. It's just normal lag.
Edited by OOODragonessOOO: 5/4/2015 7:31:07 AMa little research. how to detect lagswitch by google- [url]http://www.google.com/patents/US20120108327[/url] [url]http://webstats.report/www/lag-switch.com[/url] [url]http://www.examiner.com/article/how-cheaters-cheat-lag-switches[/url] sadly...how to for destiny w lagswitch ,im not promoting.educational purpose only.- [url]http://www.dieselgaming.com/threads/destiny-solo-how-to-push-crota-off-the-edge-crota-hard-mode-cheese-crota-cheese.3481/[/url] some think its uncommon look at this and reevaluate - [url]https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=lag+switch+statistics+for+destiny[/url]