*the sky's are completely black.*
*Fierce Deity and Majora are seen. Standing off.*
*the moon draws closer at a faster speed*
[spoiler]are we fighting Majora?[/spoiler] *Draws katana*
[spoiler]final battle in the dojo. Zane is 1v1 Majora. Now that he is fierce deity[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh Boo! I was sick man[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ha! Sorry bud. You can kill the thousands of minions he's about to spawn...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]K ;-;[/spoiler]
OK. here i go *agrbs a brick of eridium* ILL TRY TO SLOW IT ZANE MAKE IT WORTH! PHASE 2.5. MEHCANICAL JUGGGERNAUT! *turns intoa DOjotron version of me with mask and trys to stopt he moon* [spoiler]liek the guardians from MAjoras mask[/spoiler]