[spoiler]dafuq? Your playing dirty in a epic duel?[/spoiler]
*holds sword in one hand.*
*jumps at you again and slices you repeatedly. Making a deep wound in your stomach*
Ugh!*jumps back and clutches my chest* *holds my infinity blade, ready to counter [spoiler]hey, you tried to stab me in the armpit[/spoiler]
[spoiler].....fair enough. Thought it would be really cruel.[/spoiler] *flys around you in a circle* DO YOU FEEL YOURSELF FAILING? YOUR LIFE ENDING? *an explosion is seen by the dojo.* AH...IT IS ALMOST TIME! AND EVEN IF I DIE YOU WILL BE TOO LATE! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!! *the moon reaches the roof of the dojo*
The only thing that is failing majora*readies my blade* IS YOU! *teleports through you, stabbing you through the heart with great force*
GaAAAaaaaaa!!!!!!! *mist floats out of Majoras body.* *sounds like inflatable pants* *majora falls to the world. Looking like a purple comet. The moon begins to recede back into orbit.*