[spoiler]:)[/spoiler] Senpai plz
Who are you?
"A kitten." [spoiler]See picture above for reference[/spoiler]
Yay! *Puur*
No. No purr
*Snuggles* *Purr*
*slaps you* Dont touch me!
B-but is kitty *Runs away meowing before calling PETA*
*turns into gargoyle, happily waits for PETA*
"I just wanted to be petted..." *Meows away crying*
*kicks you*
Edited by Crying to Radiohead isn't : 4/29/2015 1:23:32 AM*Runs*
*I enter holding the cat* "This yours?"
No. Get it out.
*Punts cat*
*slaps you*
"Oww! You wanted me to get it out of here!"
Animal abuse is not funny!
Rewind about 10 comments, You did the same thing
*slaps you again* I did no such thing!
"Anyway can I discuss getting a tide to UberSenpai?"
*Pays 100000000000000*