*join up*
YO what you smoking.
Looks like somehting form the WW3 Movies ide wathc when kid
Marlboro Reds... Damn things'll kill me some day... Ah -blam!- it. I'll just go to the Big MT and get robo lungs. *takes another drag* You want one? *holds out lighter and pack of cigarettes*
Sure never smoked anyhting form earth. *throws away his ciggarrite* thanks *grbas the malboro* *a shoot is heard* UH, i forgot to remove the hiden bullet from that *lights it up* hm....... Much better than what we had on Mars. so this is real Nicotine. been living of sintetic one for 13 years
-blam!- the synth shit man. You gotta come ti New Vegas or New Reno with me sometime. We'd raise hell...
Sure thing. the only 2 Tanks characters ofthe dojo *a door opens out o fnowhere a guy wiht a asign that reads No brekaing the 4th wall* Sorry. 2 of the thoghest guys of the dojo jsut shooting peopel for no required reason
Basically all i do. Sit on a roof with a Barrett and a six pack. Good damn day.
Oh really reminds me off the clamest year on the Venus/Mars conflcit. Me and Olaf. he was our heavy gunner woudl jsut hang out palce beercnas full of explosives and wathc the Venus troops pick em up. tif they didn we shoot the Hevay machine gun. nothign like a 30-06
Personally prefer all out .50 BMG, but 30.06 is fun.
yeah/ but nothing lik making a guy run then shoot him from distance with .200 lepua
*.338 Lapua
Hello gentlemen, Sal, Outlaw *lands back in the Dojo