In the spoiler below is the old post. I believe it was posted a month after TDB and it just got popular again.
I want notifications other than 50 from this post.
Answer if you want but I'll cry if you do.
[spoiler]Pretty self explanatory
I usually scream "Git Errr done"
Edit*: Most of you guys are hella lame. DPS and shoot are not creative or funny in anyway.
Edit#2: What happened here? This has been dead for so long and I need to know who is responsible for the necro.[/spoiler]
We always go with 321 go
Nuke him :)
"Take him down."
Alright get him. Honestly though I have a big friends list and have raided with most of them, I dont even think we need to talk anymore to do it.
-blam!- him up
Die mother-blam!-er Die mother-blam!-er DIE!!
Most people I raid with just say "Fire", "shoot" or "Down him". They sometimes do a countdown from 3.
I just yell "Burn 'eem" then say "one more time guys"
Edited by Cinis: 4/29/2015 7:15:16 AMYeah, because using the 15 year old catch phrase of an unfunny comedian is both funny and creative. Also, I'm surprised how few people have said "burn him".
They took our jerbs!
Edited by BaconCommando: 4/29/2015 11:40:23 AMMy friend usually screams "GROW" [spoiler]Spongebob reference[/spoiler] I usually yell "TAK'EM DOWN BOYS!" [spoiler]Borderlands 2 reference[/spoiler]
Down the dirty bitch [spoiler]when my parents aren't home[/spoiler]
Ours is fire or dps
Roll that beautiful bean footage.
Rockets Hit him again
¡Àndale! ¡Àndale! Is what we say.
Nuke em Fire 321 go
3-2-1 Shoot. It seems to help to give the countdown, so all the rockets are in perfect sync and he goes down much more reliably. I don't know how, but when you don't do a countdown people always seem to fire their rockets 1,2, or 3 second apart and that can mean a dead swordbearer.
Get eeeeeverythingggg !!!! Thats on the last sword when he enrages ... :)
Damage on crota now! Who the hell is using hard light!?!
Uté - Japanese for "Fire!"