In the spoiler below is the old post. I believe it was posted a month after TDB and it just got popular again.
I want notifications other than 50 from this post.
Answer if you want but I'll cry if you do.
[spoiler]Pretty self explanatory
I usually scream "Git Errr done"
Edit*: Most of you guys are hella lame. DPS and shoot are not creative or funny in anyway.
Edit#2: What happened here? This has been dead for so long and I need to know who is responsible for the necro.[/spoiler]
"Prep DPS.... go."
Down him
Please down scrotum
"alright, take him down!" Every time.
Edited by Fallen ketch: 4/29/2015 4:30:59 AMHere comes the Airplane, mother –blam–! er
Bring him down.
I just call out as I get near the rock, "in position" and it's up to my team to sync to whatever phrase they want and let rockets fly. I'm going up whether they put out the damage or not but it usually works out.
3....2....1.....Take him down or Shoot him!
Just 'Crota', very original and imaginative.
Go for Crota!
Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
"Hit em"
I normally say "knock him down"
Shoot, take him or when it's the last down its FIRE EVERYTHING!
My mate was running sword once and he yelled 'banana' no one knew wtf to do and he died lol Was the first and last of the banana's
I always do it by myself so... Nothing
take him
bow chicka bow wow