Anyone got a good combo for food and drink for pulling an all nighter? I'm going to stay up all night Friday for Iron Banner when I get a new controller, anything new to try? I don't know Dr. Pepper and chips is getting old.
Edit: 200 Replies in an hour! Nice guys thanks for all these crazy combinations and mom jokes lol
Edit: I'm going to revive this post this was fun and I woke up 45 minutes ago and I'm staying up late once again in the summer so... What's your gaming fuel?
Red bull
Dr Pepper
Cocaine and Hookers!
Sammich & Mt dew
Coffee or Mt Dew ;)
Monster Hunter - old
As long as you look at something blue, like the light emitted from your phone, TV, etc. chewing gum also keeps you up. Look up on YouTube for pressure points too. And finally, coffee. -
Jizz Cake
Sparrow fuel can't melt plasteel beams
W-w-water is my gaming fuel for tackling long sessions. Sorry couldn't resist. Usually it's coffee.
Monster Energy and Steve Ervine baked protein bars. Have to get up and move a bit every now and then.
Dr. Pepper all the way
Gfuel. More gfuel then 1 more for luck. Then steady yourself for heart palpitations and a sleepless couple of nights.
Beer and medical marijuana and 16 year old virgin pussy usually does it for me
Jaeger and red bull
Mountain dew and cocaine [spoiler]mountain dew and mountain Dew voltage[/spoiler]
Protien shake and taquitos......i probably wouldnt stay up cause I got practice for baseball and summer football
black tar heroin to the ass
A mix of fast food, chips, chocolate bars and Mountain Dew
Edited by nAhtA: 7/20/2015 3:26:29 AMMeth and Red Bull, my stats are my proof. I occasionally substitute the Meth with Coke or Heroine.
Ass.......lots and lots of ass
Adderall, bowl, whiskey, beer, bowl, whiskey, bowl bowl.... Wait you said food... I lose