OK. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE WILL BEGN YORU FAVORITE GAME. INTERROGATE THAT PRISISONER> INT HSI GAME WEW ILL MAKE SOME QUESTIONS TO THIS BTICH RIGHT HERE! if he answers right he will pass another stage. but if he doesnt THe Painwheel shall spin for its faiht. Now Mr. BLood. Who sent you?
"........ "
"Now Mr.Blood_Ninja, who sent you to attack this Dojo?"
Wrong answer *spins the wheel* UH! THe NUTBUSTER! *a mahcine wiht a Boot at the end appear, Jhonny cage style is written on it* YOu want a second chance?
*He spits blood on you* [spoiler]Aaaaand he's caged[/spoiler]
*a vocie form owhere* GET CAGEDD! *Jhonyy cage appears out fo the machine* *we borfist* (me) ALL yours. (jhonyy) been waiting. (ME) OK. DEAREST AUDIENCE LETS GIVE OLD GOOD JHON THE WARM UP. 3 2 1 CAGE TIME!!!!!!! *jhony cruhsesyour nuts. A lot like [b]Fataly[/b], thats hurts jsut to see*
*lots of pain*
*Stanford walks up to you*
Still not talking, are you? *He pulls out his hook and jams it into your gut*
"...The Dojo sent me to look for the prime..."
Prime what? *Puts hook more far into Gut*
"... The Prime reality you fool! The Prime Universe! And I was to collapse all that wasn't, like this universe."
And why? *Slightly pulls hook out of gut*
*Punches yo nuts so fast you pants burst in flames as he continues*
"I'll talk!"
*jhony signs your face* (me) ok talk
"....The Dojo sent me..."
*jhonny reaides a Upercut* (me) Explain yourself
"... The Dojo sent me to look for the prime... Anything that wasn't the prime was to be collapsed... Like this universe..."
Prime. What the hell is that. ANd why is ist important eniguht to use a USpernova generator as a Kmakaze stand
[quote]"... The Prime reality you fool! The Prime Universe! And I was to collapse all that wasn't, like this universe."[/quote]
WHy is that.?
"To lessen the Crisis. Nobody avoids The Crisis."