As the great Kainamii stated...(NOTE I'M NOT TAKING CREDIT FOR THIS)
Gjallarhorn is 100% American. The -blam!- are you people who are claiming that it's some Norse shit smoking?
G is for Guns
J is for Justice
A is for America
L is for Liberty
L is for more Liberty
A is for Apathy
R is for Religion
H is for Horizontally challenged
O is for Obama/Oil
R is for Redneck
N is for Nothing beats America
Also, more proof that Gjallarhorn is American is the fact that guardians call upon we wielders of the Gjallarhorn to fight their battles for them, or we simply butt in and intervene akin to 'MURICA.
Ayy what is a bump? Baby don't bump me, don't bump me, no more.
So much anti american sentiment. Everyone hates the big dog I suppose. Some of the responses are funny. Most are idiotic.
Why are people hating on this. I find it pretty funny. Nothing wrong with having a little nationalism.
The first time I saw a Gjallarhorn being fired I thought it was a bald eagle that bungie put in the game to help out guardians.
The only thing Gjallahorn and America have in common is that they're both wanted but not needed
'Murica, -blam!- yeah.
More proof. The rockets have explosions. Fireworks have explosions. Fireworks=America.
Edited by Athereis III: 4/30/2015 11:50:43 AM*looks on back of gjallerhorn* MADE IN CHINA *much reply many like
This is so weird,if you say gullible really slow, it sounds exactly like your saying gjallarhorn
Dude you forgot to add shit in about Canada or Mexico since your talking about the whole continent and not just the U.S.
"L is for more liberty" lol
This thread was funny but now it's just a butthurt European fest
Gam JI Adoing Lthis Lright Aor Rnah H? Oplz Rtell Nme
I know this thread is ajoke,but it still describes America perfectly. Trying to steal something from someone else and calling it your own.
Edited by Bieltan: 4/29/2015 2:56:25 PMThunderlord is British... Tally Ho Uneducated Neanderthals Does Every Rapscallion Like Owning Red Death? Edit: for posterity, yes, initially I completely forgot about an 'L' because Im a scrublord. Or should that be scrubord...?
You 'mericans o.o... you amusing.
Ok hell yes but also WTF obama really?!?! If you follow politics or anything of the sort youll realize hes anti american. One thing he just did to our country is (yes ik everyone isnt religious and we all have our own beliefs) he has already made it to where you cant pray to the christian god out loud he made hospitals and VA hostipals cover up the temples and rooms to pray and he is making churches cover their stained glass. This is a country with freedom of religion yet he is silencing anything that isnt islam he is putting up islamic ideoligy and holidays and changing shit that has been the roots of america. Dont get it twisted i dont care what you or anyone believes in if you think we came from a penut or god or allah or a hairy sponge then we all came from that place so why would you wish ill on someone for coming from the same place as you. Yet he is trying to make it a crime to not be the same religion as the terriorists. Once again i dont care if you are i have several muslim friends and quite a few islamic ones but even they realize that shutting other peoples beliefs off and shunning them is wrong so i have to say that the O makes it not an american gun
Glory Just Ain't Like Loving Any old Rocket launcher. Here, Our Rockets Negotiate with wolves.
SWIGGITY ∧_∧ ( ̄3 ̄) ⊂ ⊂ ) ( ( ( (_(_) Swooty ∧_∧ ( ̄3 ̄) ( U つ ) ) ) (_)_) I'm ∧_∧ ( ̄3 ̄) ⊂_へ つ (_)| 彡 (_) Coming ∧_∧ ( -_- )っ (っ / Lノ┘ For that ∧___∧ ⊂( -_ - ) ヽ ⊂二/ (⌒) / Booty! / \ | 。 。 | \ ___ (•_•) <) )╯ When you're ready / \ ( •_•) <( (> Come and get it / \ (•_•) ~( )~ NA NA NA NA / \" (•_•) <) )- if yo age is / \ (•_•) /( (> not on the clock / \ Get (•_•)/ <) ) ready for my cock / \ \(•_•) ( (> your leaving? / \ (•_•) <) )/ well / \ \(•_•) ( (> then / \ (•_•) <) )> bye / \ \(•_•) ( (> so I'm like / \ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THAT TABLE. ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THIS TABLE. ┻━┻ ︵ \(`0`)// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES ಠ_ಠ Child. . . ಠ_ಠ Put. ಠ__ಠ The tables. ಠ___ಠ Back. (╮°-°)╮┳━┳ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER BITCH (•_•) <) )╯because bitch I'm / \ ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) 2 < ⌒ヽ F / へ\ A / / \\ B レ ノ ヽ_つ 4 / / Y / /| O ( (ヽ U | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (_/
Sorry, the ancient Norse have the rights to it. In Norse mythology, Gjallarhorn (Old Norse "yelling horn" or "the loud sounding horn") is a horn associated with the god Heimdallr and the wise being Mímir. Gjallarhorn is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional material, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
T = The H = Heavily O = Overpowered R = Requesting N = Nerf ;)
USA muthaafucccaa!