As the great Kainamii stated...(NOTE I'M NOT TAKING CREDIT FOR THIS)
Gjallarhorn is 100% American. The -blam!- are you people who are claiming that it's some Norse shit smoking?
G is for Guns
J is for Justice
A is for America
L is for Liberty
L is for more Liberty
A is for Apathy
R is for Religion
H is for Horizontally challenged
O is for Obama/Oil
R is for Redneck
N is for Nothing beats America
Also, more proof that Gjallarhorn is American is the fact that guardians call upon we wielders of the Gjallarhorn to fight their battles for them, or we simply butt in and intervene akin to 'MURICA.
No one cares. Gg
Keep your gjallarhorn! All the thorns in the world ain't gunna save you from the15 trillion dollars you owe the Chinese! Hehehe
Come on now people! Let's be friends and the world will be a better place :-) G - Guys J - Just A - Always L - Live L - Life A - Acting R - Responsibly, H - Happy, O - or R - Reacting N - Nicely :-)
Love me some americans who are so full of them selfs.
Edited by Devonian84: 4/29/2015 1:55:25 PMSays the country that needed help from the French hahaha!!! [spoiler]but thanks for WW2, much appreciated[/spoiler]
Edited by jabantic: 4/29/2015 1:10:37 PMChange the O to O say can you see Obama sucks.
Name a war that allies haven't helped u guys ?
Holy shot this ameritard just went full retard! -blam!- look at him go!
H for wHite people shooting up schools.
Edited by Sober As A Bird: 4/29/2015 1:01:12 PMCan we replace obama with... Anything. Also the second "L" is great. Nice work.
Edited by xXGrubKillerXx1: 4/29/2015 2:42:34 PMIf it was 100% American it would be : G is for guns J is for guns A is for guns L is for guns L is for guns A is for guns R is for guns H is for guns O is for guns R is for guns N is for guns
You remind me of those annoying turds that wont flush
Edited by CityWide 74: 4/29/2015 3:04:45 PMLol. Obama. Redneck. You don't hear those two words together often
Deej said gall - are - horn in the stream last week so we can put all the theory to rest on how bungie meant for it to be pronouced. Gall-are - horn is destiny pronunciation
The Reef has ten times more oil than Earth? Sounds like The Reef needs some freedom!
People don't get it, I see. First off, anytime anyone says 'Murica, they are completely joking. We make over-patriotism jokes. Take a look at the post now that you have some information.
Woo goo go america
'Merica! F yea!
Its actually an Icelandic word.
Eagle screech. Thought that was the sound of bombs calling for a New World Order. :-D
Oh, i thought that it was because its rockets shoots pie shaped mini rockets and the enemy die from diabetes....
I thought this post was funny haha. Not sure why 99% of others are hating? It was a joking post, calm down kitties.
Edited by BallAndKoolAid: 4/29/2015 2:40:20 PMFalse America is actually spelled Murica
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