Fantastic! I was just thinking to myself that I hadn't had diarrhea in months...
Church gtfo
He'll no
Hell yes
Don't let sunbros eat anything spicey...don't need this new lounge engulfed in fart flames.
Hola!!! Titan bros are always welcome...Hunters on the other hand.....
I have a hunter on my account. He's my bitch. "Hey hunter bitch, go get me some strange coins, some vanguard marks and then get back in your box! BITCHY LITTLE HUNTER BITCH!"
Lol. My Hunter is my personal slut
I'm a hunter but it's ok I don't like hanging out with other hunters (*cough stop using thorn cough*)
I once dated a Hunter...Woke up with a Hunter symbol carved in my chest...So how do I know I can trust you?
Well because bungie makes it so simple to make it to choose from 3 different classes (being completely clueless about the classes) but if your lucky you are automatically the ultimate asshole if your not a hunter, but I'm a hunter but I've always gotten a lot of hate which is dumb like I didn't know being a hunter was a bad thing that's stupid
It's not...It's wasn't always like this....but Hunters just started attacking us Warlocks and Titans destroying our meetings, eating our popcorn and stuff..If you are not like that you are welcome here.
Oh... I think all the other hunters are abusing there abilities *sigh* well I don't really play with any other players so I suppose I'm fine
They get fisted by this one. Lol
Lol, fist those Thieves good.
You can stay, but no fisting...
I only fist hunters.....
Want some of the whitecastle burgers and cocaine I brought ?
Then grab a beer dude!!!