So I saw that they will be adding a new level to vanguard strikes: vanguard dragon. Does anyone know any info about rewards?
Currently, Vanguard Roc provides 25 rep., 3 or 6 vanguard marks, one rare reward (possible legendary engram/exotic) and one rare engram. I do enjoy running strikes every now and again, and I always like an increase in difficulty, but is it possible to increase the chances of legendary for the new strike playlist?
I think, if i remember right, they added the higher level Roc strikes and simply bumped the rewards from Tiger up to rock. For Dragon i'm sure they will do the same. Basically the top tier of rewards was the same as they were just moved to the new top tier of the vanguard strike. If the up the chances for legendaries then it would unbalance the grinding they have us doing... do i want a better chance for legendary, yeah, we all like seeing the purple pop up, but in the long run i think it would decrease our desired playtime if that makes sense
I'm hoping they add random burn or strike modifiers. I imagine the rewards will be slightly higher, like 8 marks and 30 rep. RNG will still be RNG tho.
Same strikes you're used to at level 30
My guess is it will be a higher chance for rares-exotics just like tiger strikes to roc strikes.