People have asked me to make a Xbox one Crota hard fireteam finder:
Don't forget to like this post to get it out there more! thanks <3
Post how many you're looking for and what levels you want and if they need ghorn or not
KillerAgent579 looking for 3 people and sword bearer for FRESH RUN, Must be 31+ with tracking rockets
Hope this helps people
My Characters
32 Warlock
32 Titan
32 Hunter
Xbox one Crota Normal
Xbox one Crota Hard
Xbox one VoG Normal
Xbox one VoG Hard
Xbox one Nightfall
34 hunter maxed ghorn gt above inv me
Lvl34 warlock looking to join Hard Crota CP GT wizard master26 INVITE ME on xb1 got all guns etc....
Crota hard Cp msg name above, need sword bearer and gallys if possible, 1 spots left.
Looking for fresh run
Crota hard Cp msg name above, need sword bearer and gallys if possible, 2 spots left.
At crota hard last cp. need sword breaker and 4 more. Message same gt.
Need one sword bearer for crota cp message me for inv
Hosting crota fresh run, need 4
34 hunter looking for fresh crota message or invite
34 hunter looking for fresh crota message or invite
[b]Crota's End Fresh [Hard Mode][/b] Level Requirement: 33+ Experienced Only Message: Equalent
34 hunter. All 365 gear. Fresh start please. Invite gt GambelVegas
Need 4 for fresh run gt above
At death singer cp need 4 GT: l33toogzilla
At crota cp need sword bearer message GT AGENTT 420
NEed a titan
Need 2 and a swordbearer for fresh run. 32+ Mssg in game for invite. Gt above.
34 warlock GT: x613xKronik need 4 more
Titain needed for crota cp message GT above for invite
Need 4 for fresh hard Croat run
Need 5 for crota hard cp at crota message gt is the same
Need 5 people for hard VOG I'm at the gatekeeper. You need to have a gjallarhor. Msg me for INV. Msg stax fatality
Looking for a group who wants to kick ass in PvP. If you want in then message itzxrealxcraken for an inv
Need hunter at deathsinger cp message xx felly xx
Need 4 for fresh run, GT same as above
Lookin to join a raid. No mic but I play smart. Send inv n I'll join. LosT21 Lvl 34 Titan