FORUMS. Seriously, nerf them. Make it to where any old fuhktard, including me, can't post something without it going through a moderator.
Bungle has that giant budget. Let them higher a few dozen educated young student workers to screen topics BEFORE they get posted. Kinda like the way these dipshits brains are supposed to filter the dumb BEFORE it comes out their heads and onto the screen.
I would like to see a limit of ONE crybaby wah I can't get a Gally topic per day. ONE this weapon kicked my ass up through the uprights so NERF IT post a day. ONE I'm a giant toolbag that rng'd a blah blah AMA post a day. Seriously. Nerf the stupidity.
Nerf it.
*slow clap* *stands, still clapping* *others begin to stand and clap* *clapping intensifies* *thunder clap* *standing ovation*