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4/30/2015 4:40:32 PM
I don't get why people have such heated debates over Creation vs. Evolution. The two don't even ask the same question! Evolution asks [b]how?[/b]. Creation asks [b]why?[/b]. Creation says God created the world because He wanted a companion created in his likeness, that answers [b]Why?[/b]. Evolution says we were created by evolving from simple life forms to become what we are today, that answers [b]How?[/b]. That means that the two theories can coexist because they don't answer the same question. Now, this means that you can believe both, that God created the world, that is the [b]why[/b], and that we are as we are because we evolved from amebas or bacteria, that is the [b]how[/b]. Evolution doesn't answer how the amebas got there, and Creation doesn't answer why we are as we are in this day and age. So many people don't understand that they are arguing about two things that [b]don't answer the same question[/b].

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