If you think that's what atheism is then you are wrong. Do you believe in god?
Usually atheists are super proud and loud about there beliefs, they always have given me a bad vibe
They can be, so can churches and preachers. That doesn't make them bad people. An atheist is simply someone with the lack of a belief in a deity, they do not claim to know god does not exist. I am an agnostic atheist, in my opinion a god could exist because we cannot know either way. But since the burden of proof is on the theistic claims, it is illogical to believe in them until that burden is met. as of now, it has not been met.
Well that's annoying, writing atheism as a tag and testing me on my agnosticism
Why is that annoying? Here's what i'm trying to get across. Agnosticism is a position of knowledge, not a position of belief. You have to clarify if you do not believe but ultimately do not know. That's what you sound like to me, or do believe in god, but ultimately do not know if he exists or not.
But I just don't get why you would put that tag and then all of a sudden be agnostic
Edited by Jack: 5/1/2015 3:13:19 AMAgnosticism is not a position regarding religion. Thats why. I am an agnostic atheist. You share the exact same beliefs as almost every agnostic atheist yet refuse to call yourself an atheist. Why is that?
When did I say I'm not? I don't have a religion, but those are my ideals. The reason I'm not an atheist is because I don't care for the concept as much as everyone else. Being an atheist seems to make People constantly thinking about the ideal, where I don't give a darn. I can live a normal life instead of wondering about something unimaginable. I may be exactly as you said, but if you see the other conversation I was in you'll see we agree pretty fast
That's what i'm saying, we agree on everything. So shouldn't we have the same "label" I hate that term but couldn't think of a better one right now.