[b]TO CLARIFY: this ISNT asking what's the better game, or what is more addicting, I'm asking who would win in a all out war, who has better weaponry, fighting, leaders, etc[/b]
A lot of these kind of polls have been popping up so I decided to make one. Which would you choose?
Edit:brought this to destiny topic
Edit:Weird, all responses say borderlands, but the votes say otherwise... If you vote destiny please say why
Edit: Do not count unknown power in destiny, like the actual darkness. Just the things we know
I enjoyed both games as a start. Destiny definitely has gun control, feel and sounds down. It's one of the best feeling console shooters. I think most cam agree with that. While subjective I believe destiny has a more visually appealing graphic style. Though I dunno if borderlands would be the same without its drawn style graphics. But in just about every other department I'd say borderlands is better. Particularly in the character and personality departments. Nothing in destiny even comes close. While I admit that the story in any of the borderlands games wasn't spectacular, the characters within them were always unique and entertaining. Destiny's barely existing in game story might as well be DOOM. But at least in DOOM we were given the courtesy of being told, "bad guys here, shoot em all."