Anime is for basement dwelling, neck bearded, losers. Just my opinion.
isnt dragon balls a cartoon for kids?
Athlete. Medicine Student. 1,95m No beard. No basement dwelling. 1 year and 7 months with loving Girlfriend. I watch Anime. Your argument is invalid.
It's not an argument, just his opinion. It's wrong, but that's ok because it belongs to him alone lol
Indeed. I'm simply proving him that his opinion has flaws. He has his right to continue believing in that, I perfectly understand that. I'm simply trying to show him that he will continue to believe in something wrong.
You're not really proving anything.
Edited by ZerogaK: 6/26/2015 3:56:18 PM[quote]Anime is for basement dwelling, neck bearded, losers. Just my opinion.[/quote] I described myself as the complete opposite of his description, and also as an Anime viewer. Indeed, I'm not proving anything. I'm doing the opposite: [u]I'm refuting his theory.[/u]
Refuting works.
Luckily it's just your opinion lol
[quote]Anime is for basement dwelling, neck bearded, losers. Just my opinion.[/quote]
HEY! what's wrong with a neck beard?
Do you consider gamers fat lazy slobs too?
The irony of this statement on a video game board...
I'm not big on anime, DBZ may have been the only one I've seen as a kid but I hope you realize many people would think the same about gamers. Especially the ones who go on the forums for a videogame.... Oh stereotypes
Corey in the house is the beat anime
Haha, neck bearded
Ed, edd, n eddy is my favorite anime.
That's a cartoon...
Yeah...just cause it is animated, doesn't mean it is anime.
[quote]Yeah...just cause it is animated, doesn't mean it is anime.[/quote] fool