Hey everyone! Happy Reset! New week for some new loot! Please take a moment and fill out the rewards poll below:
[url=http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=5541aad8e4b0f84e696cbe09]Week 34 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
If you would like to see the results of the research so far, you can find it [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ekilfiPbp7rW8BmkxKG-AAEnHihGGNKiYVEGaddAaZI/edit?usp=sharing]here[/url]
Please note that I am in Jamaica all week and will have very little access to Internet. This is why this poll is going up so late. I'm sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience. If you do not see the spreadsheet being updated, don't worry! I haven't forgotten! I will simply get back to it as soon as I have reliable internet. Good luck!
Thank you again for everyone that has participated!
Young Ahmkahara's Spine, Hunter Crest of Alpha Lupi, and Sunbreakers (had a better roll than the previous one I hadn't touched). All in all I'm pretty satisfied. I didn't have 2 of the 3. I've been focused on Iron Banner and my PS3 fried Friday, but my g/f happened to bless me with a replacement PS3 500GB silm, lord be thankful for her. Stupid 60GB PS3s were designed so poorly it YLOD on me and I couldn't get it to start back up on Friday when I had planned to IB all day.