The government is behind 9-11
The patriarchy won't stop oppressing and promoting the R-word culture.
Transgenders are people 2
Weed doesn't harm you at all
Destiny is a good game
Modern day feminism is important
Kony 2016??
Obamacare ftw
MLP is magic
Neckbeard+fedora= you op
Democrats help the country
Republicans suck
Welfare is good
Unemployment can't be taken advantage of
#palin for president
Wow. You are just the definition of edge.
Another straw man that is irrelevant to the real problems in America. Congrats, you're right where Roger Aisles wants you!
Edited by Dabosaurous: 5/4/2015 1:05:59 PMI just screenshotted this. I'm a smug pothead-Jew blood-controversial Christian And I find this post legendary.
But foreal we bombed ourselves.
Op is fgt.
The 57 on ketchup is about pickles...
Opposite day Op is not fgt Illuminati not confirmed
Bait! Op says ur -blam!- Can't prove a believe
Op confirmed Illiminati.
I disagree with all of those statements other than the first one
go Mormons
Steel beams
Scientists disagree
I think I just summed up the forums?