Recently I have found many people in the crucible doing unbelievable things (Nigh- infinite uses of rockets, bladedances that last over 2 minutes just to be used again almost immediately after, etc.)
Now, I'm not going to be that one guy that sounds like a 11-year-old on multiplayer screaming "HE'S HACKING!!!", however I am a bit skeptical of some players' abilities in PVP. One such example, instead of someone's name showing up as red or blue on the either team, it shows up at a whole different color (Such as showing up as white on one of my recent games in Asylum). Another may being infinite sliding while shooting rockets from a shotgun. I know the last one may seem like lag or bullsh*terry, but bare with me on this. I hope that either Bungie fixes a way so that it stops modders, or they just remove them entirely.
I am the guy you think is hacking but actually I just get a team of six and have infinite super glitch ha