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originally posted in:Seventh Conflux
Edited by Prometheus25: 5/4/2015 1:54:31 AM

Seventh Conflux Flood Topic Train Ep 4

Content seems pretty low here, so I thought I'd drop another one of these. As always, I promise no religious, political, or inflammatory bait. Enjoy, my brothers. Answer one, some, or all. Topic Train Topic #1: Many of you are wrapping up your last exams for your classes. How are they going? Topic Train Topic #2: In line with #1, what kind of awesome plans have you lined up for the summer? Topic Train Topic #3: What's your realistic dream car and why? Topic Train Topic #4: Avengers: Age of Ultron came out and I got the chance to see it today. What did you think? Topic Train Topic #5: You challenge me to a 1v1, you pick the challenge and winner takes the Ninja tag. What game/sport/challenge do you pick?

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  • Topic #5 : Game is make everyone a perfect utopian paradise.

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  • Edited by Jopstar 13: 5/10/2015 7:36:27 AM
    I figured I would have a go at this ;) #1 Finals are going great. Chemistry is the big test this semester. #2 Going to Cali with some friends. It shall be fun ;) #3 So many cars to choose from... I dare not pick one car in particular. #4 Sadly I have not seen it yet :( #5 1v1 Ice hockey shoutout m8

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  • #4. I enjoyed the movie. It lacked in some departments, but it was great nonetheless. I hope the 3rd one exceeds all expectations.

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  • Edited by I Of Providence: 5/7/2015 3:23:42 PM
    #1. Imma kill all my exams #2. Just plan on hanging out with friends doing stupid stuff all summer #3. So many cars that I love... 63 or 67-69 corvette. Modern would be a 2015 dodge viper SRT or ta #4. Haven't seen it yet #5. 1v1 on rust interventions only or in halo reach griffball

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  • Topic Train Topic #1: I'm home schooled. Topic Train Topic #2: Don't really go outside much, unfortunately. Topic Train Topic #3: Anything dodge. Topic Train Topic #4:*Gives thumbs up* Topic Train Topic #5: 1v1 me in mtn dew™ paintball scrub. No doritos® allowed. Doritos©®™ are 4 scrubs.

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    • 1. N/A 2. Work :-( 3. Delorean, 59 mustang convertible or a Dodge Charger (don't sell dodge in UK though) 4. N/A 5. Old school challenge: Speed run resident evil on PSO

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      • This is a gr8 post, I r8 8/8, keep up the gr8 work m8

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by Autolycus: 5/10/2015 8:12:20 AM
          1. Ughhhh 2. Lots and lots of camping 3. Something that actually drives 4. Edit: saw it today. Well worth watching. Ultron is best character. 5. You might call me an Air Hockey ninja.

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        • Edited by Mojo1965: 5/7/2015 2:17:50 PM
          [quote]Topic Train Topic #1: Many of you are wrapping up your last exams for your classes. How are they going?[/quote]Well. [quote]Topic Train Topic #2: In line with #1, what kind of awesome plans have you lined up for the summer?[/quote]Skyrim. [quote]Topic Train Topic #3: What's your realistic dream car and why?[/quote]First through Third Generation Dodge Chargers. Good cars. [quote]Topic Train Topic #4: Avengers: Age of Ultron came out and I got the chance to see it today. What did you think?[/quote]Haven't seen it. [quote]Topic Train Topic #5: You challenge me to a 1v1, you pick the challenge and winner takes the Ninja tag. What game/sport/challenge do you pick?[/quote]52 Pickup.

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        • Edited by Zonda: 5/7/2015 12:27:36 PM
          Topic Train Topic #2: I live in Australia, and as such, My Summer is your Winter. My plans for this Summer are to sell most of my belongings, buy a Swag and a backpack, and travel around (a part of) the Country on foot with my Guitar, and potentially taking up Muay Thai/Muay Boran. I hope to be home in time to race at the Road and Track Cycling National Championships. Topic Train Topic #3: Lancia Stratos/HF Hawk 3000. I just love the styling of it. I crave nothing more than purchasing the Kit Car and assembling it myself. Topic Train Topic #5: I challenge you to a game of Air Hockey. First to 100 wins. That or a Mario Kart tournament.

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        • [quote]Topic Train Topic #2: In line with #1, what kind of awesome plans have you lined up for the summer?[/quote] I'm definitely travelling all over the place, haha. I'm going to Long Island for a few days, Florida for a week, Savannah for a week, and possibly to Las Vegas to see the UFC Fights. [quote]Topic Train Topic #3: What's your realistic dream car and why?[/quote] Currently, it's either the Honda FC Sport or the Volkswagen XL1 [quote]Topic Train Topic #5: You challenge me to a 1v1, you pick the challenge and winner takes the Ninja tag. What game/sport/challenge do you pick?[/quote] Pickup bball

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        • [quote] Topic Train Topic #1: Many of you are wrapping up your last exams for your classes. How are they going?[/quote] Almost finished, I feel very unmotivated in studying. My last one is tonight. [quote]Topic Train Topic #2: In line with #1, what kind of awesome plans have you lined up for the summer?[/quote] Researching how to build a drone. Mostly looking at microchips and code [quote] Topic Train Topic #3: What's your realistic dream car and why?[/quote] 5th generation Mustang. I love how they look and their not that expensive. My fondness for them is mostly derived from [url=]Ken Gushi's Mustang[/url] from Formula Drift in the mid 2000s... [quote] Topic Train Topic #5: You challenge me to a 1v1, you pick the challenge and winner takes the Ninja tag. What game/sport/challenge do you pick?[/quote] Either Halo 3 or 4

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        • [quote] Topic Train Topic #1: Many of you are wrapping up your last exams for your classes. How are they going?[/quote] Eh, pretty decent except for the fact that I have 2 math exams to do by Wednesday. [quote] Topic Train Topic #2: In line with #1, what kind of awesome plans have you lined up for the summer?[/quote] Well, every Memorial Day weekend, me and some friends head up to our friends lake house. I'm also going sky diving in June, which will be pretty cool except for being strapped ass to dick with a trainer [quote] Topic Train Topic #3: What's your realistic dream car and why? [/quote] Either a 90's Porsche 911, or a 2001 BMW 740il. Both would just make me feel like a badass. Some Italian job shit. [quote] Topic Train Topic #4: Avengers: Age of Ultron came out and I got the chance to see it today. What did you think? [/quote] Did you take the chance? [quote] Topic Train Topic #5: You challenge me to a 1v1, you pick the challenge and winner takes the Ninja tag. What game/sport/challenge do you pick?[/quote] We have to watch Empire by Andy Warhol. It's an 8 hour long single shot movie of the Empire State building. No food. No drink. No talking. No sleeping. No phone. Just the movie. Whoever lasts the longest is the victor. If we complete the 8 hours, we restart the movie, no intermission.

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        • Does this mean I can post DESU? Cuz I'm pretty sure this means I can post DESU.

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        • Edited by alghasfohsafovah: 5/4/2015 3:24:16 PM
          #1: I'm actually doing pretty well on them. Surprisingly enough, I managed to get a decent score on the English one ([i]not[/i] my best subject). Haven't gotten results back on most, but I felt pretty good about them. #2: Most of my summer is probably going to be summer baseball. I'm going to be playing on a club team (we get to travel and play in tournaments around Texas), so it'll probably be a ton of fun. Other than that, I planning to finish up my boater's license before summer kicks off. Driving boats is fun. #5: I would challenge you to a 1v1 quickscope intervention only on rust and reck ya, m8. (jk probably a backyard game of croquet. We can solve our problems like civilized gentlemen, can't we?)

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        • Edited by Magiktako: 5/4/2015 1:50:29 AM
          Topic Train Topic #1: Good. Hopefully I'll pass them. Topic Train Topic #2: I'm heading down to Charleston, SC for vacation around June. Topic Train Topic #3: I dunno. I've always like the [url=]1969 Chargers[/url] and the old [url=]Road Rats[/url] Topic Train Topic #4: Still waiting to see it. I'll probably go on Tuesday. Topic Train Topic #5: Fooseball. Spinning allowed. Bring your Scooby-Dew®.

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        • Edited by Lord Genesis : 5/4/2015 1:53:50 AM
          Topic Train Topic #1: Many of you are wrapping up your last exams for your classes. How are they going? Nopez Topic Train Topic #2: In line with #1, what kind of awesome plans have you lined up for the summer? Nothing really. Topic Train Topic #3: What's your realistic dream car and why? Dunno. Topic Train Topic #4: Avengers: Age of Ultron came out and I got the chance to see it today. What did you think? Haven't seen it yet :( Topic Train Topic #5: You challenge me to a 1v1, you pick the challenge and winner takes the Ninja tag. What game/sport/challenge do you pick? I'll 1v1 you in some Budokai 3 on PS2

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        • Edited by xRADIOACT1V3x: 5/4/2015 2:20:14 AM
          #1 haven't gotten exams yet, but I've started work on summatives (which is essentially a giant culminating project). They usually get all assigned in the same month and week for some ungodly reason and are all due incredibly close to each other. I've made progress though #2 over the summer, I planned to learn how to make 3D designs/models in Blender and make games with said models in unity. Or maybe learn CSS or something. I wanted to try something new, and my cousins bought me a book on JavaScript coding and a book on 3D modelling and another on game design. Seemed like an interesting side project. #4 haven't seen it yet #5 I challenge you to a D-D-D-D-DDDDDUEL (I'm so sorry).

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        • Topic Train Topic #4: I thought it was better than the first Avengers movie. Ultron was pretty well written and acted too as well as the introductions of the new Heroes such as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. I'd give the movie a solid 8/10.

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          • I loved Age of Ulton

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          • #2: Playing Carnages, and doing my part in #Help! #3: A '05 Ford Mustang GT. Why? It's my girfriends favourite car, and I like it too, so why no buy? #5: Drinking challenge. Because even if I lose and you win, we're both happy.

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          • Age of Ultron is my new favorite Marvel movie, right next to Iron Man 1 and the first Avengers. Winter Soldier wasn't bad. Joss Whedon does it again, I love that man.

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          • 2
            1) Great. 2) Spend the summer somewhere out of the UK, perhaps the US or Europe to see things and relax. 3) An Audi R8; not ridiculously expensive yet still a very nice car. 4) Haven't seen it yet. 5) A good ol' game of fisticuffs.

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          • 5.) swimming. A 100 meter breaststroke.

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          • Edited by Wren: 5/4/2015 10:34:11 AM
            1. Schools been doing great, 3.7 gpa so far. 2. I'm going to Hilton Head SC this summer for a month with some friends. 3. Mine is a 2014 Camaro SS. it's my favorite car of a all time and I would love the chance to own one. 4. Haven't seen the new one yet. 5. Swimming, 200 fly. I competed on the national team in that event so thanks for the tag bro, lol

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          • 1) in school until middle of June ;_; 5) pistols at dawn *slaps with white glove*

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