You guys always say its not the gun, but its the player's fault. I disagree. This gun can put the best crucible player to the ground with 2 headshots. This gun IS overpowered and you thorners just don't want it nerfed.
If you want to flame me for not being good in crucible, go ahead. Idc, my skill is higher than yours anyway. I still have to see an flamer with a higher kd here...
Edit: all these scrubs flaming don't want their thorn nerfed.... ;)
Edit: most of you guys could only whine about 'lucky' headshots, so i changed that.
Yet another Edit: i'm not saying that the thorn owns me, i outgun them 80% of the time. But that doesn't take away the fact that its too powerful. A simple stability or range nerf should suffice.
Again, Edit: wow how has this reached 500+ replies? I'm truly honored by all you flaming bastards who just keep flaming. For those who agree with me, thank you :)
Edit: going straight for the 1000 replies! Please keep flaming or replying! Thank you in advance, i am calling it the night for now.
Edit: just made the 1000 replies in [b]1 DAY[/b] thanks to all the flamers and other people! Really appreciate it!
Edit: Damn this post has been bashed on. The hate is real! I'm just putting down my opinion and some facts, get over it. Also, my skill actually has nothing to do with the stats of the thorn, its crazy right?
Edit: post just hit 1500+
Thats all. Nuff said.
Check out Tiny Baby Jesus's reply, it sums up the thorn.
If its so overpowered then idk...[spoiler]use it[/spoiler]
Read my post, I have a much simpler solution
[quote]Here's the thing that blows my mind... There's no nice way to say it: people are stupid. Thorn was [b]always[/b] a good weapon for PvP. It was [b]always[/b] a two headshot kill. The things they buffed (reload speed/stability) were not huge game changers for the way the weapon performed in PvP. Increasing its mag size to 9 is actually stealth balance, because now it takes [b]longer[/b] to get to Final Round, if you do at all. As it is, Thorn's range/stability are in line with other Hand Cannons, with your mid-tier perks allowing you to customize the weapon for user preference. What changed is that before it was buffed, few people finished the Thorn bounty, because all they ever heard was "Thorn sucks." There were only a few voices in the wilderness (see what I did there?) who would tell people, it's actually pretty good in PvP, give it a try. Once Thorn was buffed, the herd mentality took over and everyone started using Thorn. It's like Auto Rifles. I don't care what anyone says, Auto Rifles are still viable PvP weapons, but no one uses them now because they heard "nerf" and abandoned the weapon. Same with Fusion Rifles.[/quote]
I am a huge fan of the last word, sometimes im running around like wow this is really unfair. Its crazy how nobody ever talks about the last word being nerfed. Thorn has MUCH more range than TLW though. Still.
If we got rid of all of the Thorn-related posts, then there would be half as many posts on as there is today
Mmmmm, your tears are so delicious. How many of my 10000 thorn kills are you? Yummy you guys!
After i gave up and got tired of bitching about it i put mine on and i learned something real quick , most people actually suck with it , bunch of Spray and Pray idiots hoping DOT gives them kills , dont worry
Oh that explains why a team of three people with thorn never killed me but I got 23 kills Lord shaxx- doctorabe has prevailed unbroken
I used to say thorn wasn't op same ,with last word but then I PUT DOWN THE HAND CANNONS and started using bad juju and I realized that it is op and it's difficult to beat thorn/TLW scrubs and nearly impossible to beat great thorn/TLW players something needs to be done either a buff that goes to everything BUT hand cannons or a nerf on hand cannons
Im not good at crucible, i actually just started with my hunter and im liking it better then my warlock (i run gunslinger too so keep calm), i did IB this weekend and started with was ok and ALOT of people were using it...i got bored and switched to my vex, which i feel is better for my playstyle...but even in my short crucible life i learned very quickly that when your screen turns green rum and jump like hell, more often then not i could get away from thorn users, shotties on anomoly, well thats a diffrent story
I agree with you thorn doesn't take too much skill It need a ROF nerf
Please. No more nerfing because of PVP.
Thorn is powerful in the right hands agreed. But isn't it one of the cases that it should be? For each "thorn is OP" post, there's always a "thorn is too hard to get, I can't do all these void kills". Isn't mytho an gjally the same? For each person that complains the gun is too powerful, there's another person posting that they deserve one for X reason. Powerful exotics are powerful. Get a thorn and shoot back.
Nerf nerf nerf everything!!! You just went full scrub m8-_-
Yep even with my high armor and red death life regen I still have trouble going against a thorn user. I won't say to Nerf it though
No land beyond is a one shot head shot NERF NOW bungie!!!
You do realize that Nlb has a fast Ttk right?
You should realize that Thorn has been the same for the last four-five months and everyone wants to complain now because they're sheep
U know they should just remove exotics from the game cause no matter what they do you guys always complain. First thorn sucks than its too op and now they are probably going to Nerf it. I'm willing to bet bungie didn't put a raid in house of wolves because they were tired of hearing you complain and wanted to give all you guys a big middle finger.
[quote][quote][quote][quote][b]when somebody posts or comments about why thorn needs nerfing, simply copy and paste this message as a reality check to them[/b] [i]thank me later[/i] Hello, If you complain about the thorn and believe it needs nerfing, you are delusional. Your ego simply has to blame anything and everything but your lack of skills so you blame the thorn. If you think thorn ruins the game, go to college and some funding and create a game without the thorn in it. If you have earned a thorn and an enemy is wielding it then simply switch to your thorn and go one vs one with them. The skilled player will prevail. If you havent got a thorn to equip then i suggest you get good enough to complete the bounty. I have never seen so many delusional cry babies congregate in one corner of the internet than on here. If it was a game breaker you really think that the developers who show cased trials would let it slip? Theyd decimate every single one of you cry babies with or without it. The big dude with a beard who looked like something from hobbit was using a mida tool! A mida! And still pwning the testers. Triplewreck was using thorn and getting beat. Its a highly competitive game and you silly spoilt cry babies screaming for nerfs are ruining a game that is perfectly fine. Nerf your lack of skill and nerf your spoilt attitudes and get on with the game or go play cod where all guns are the same. I welcome tears, i welcome hate. If you are a crybaby you are bound to respond negatively to this. Big up all the real OGs who know how to handle a thorn user and dont cry and scream for nerfs and can shoot a fair one.[/quote] [/quote][/quote][/quote]
SWIGGITY ∧_∧ ( ̄3 ̄) ⊂ ⊂ ) ( ( ( (_(_) Swooty ∧_∧ ( ̄3 ̄) ( U つ ) ) ) (_)_) I'm ∧_∧ ( ̄3 ̄) ⊂_へ つ (_)| 彡 (_) Coming ∧_∧ ( -_- )っ (っ / Lノ┘ For that ∧___∧ ⊂( -_ - ) ヽ ⊂二/ (⌒) / Booty! / \ | 。 。 | \ ___ (•_•) <) )╯ When you're ready / \ ( •_•) <( (> Come and get it / \ (•_•) ~( )~ NA NA NA NA / \" (•_•) <) )- if yo age is / \ (•_•) /( (> not on the clock / \ Get (•_•)/ <) ) ready for my cock / \ \(•_•) ( (> your leaving? / \ (•_•) <) )/ well / \ \(•_•) ( (> then / \ (•_•) <) )> bye / \ \(•_•) ( (> so I'm like / \ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THAT TABLE. ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THIS TABLE. ┻━┻ ︵ \(`0`)// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES ಠ_ಠ Child. . . ಠ_ಠ Put. ಠ__ಠ The tables. ಠ___ಠ Back. (╮°-°)╮┳━┳ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER BITCH (•_•) <) )╯because bitch I'm / \ ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) 2 < ⌒ヽ F / へ\ A / / \\ B レ ノ ヽ_つ 4 / / Y / /| O ( (ヽ U | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (_/
Exotic HCs need a nerf. People are just upset that if they are they won't be getting easy kills anymore
Thorn isn't overpowered. [spoiler]Everything else is underpowered.[/spoiler]
As a member of the community and part of the population that plays PvP, I think its best to play the game as it is handed to us. To use that or not use that to our advantage is on a person by person basis. Different weapons have been 'stronger' than others throughout the short history of this game. These weapons are changed by the developers, not the gamers. Coming here to lobby for a nerf or buff and thinking you aren't going to get some sort of negative feedback is negligence on your part. Also to be angry with fellow gamers of the same game is nonsensical. Play the game, have fun and adapt to the changing nature of it. Vex, suros, thorn --- all fun weapons at some point in time. If you think they are not monitoring this, then you are highly mistaken. You are also wasting your breath on a community that flames at literally, everything.
Here's the thing though. If it's OP because it can down in two headshots, you have to be good enough to land those two consecutive headshots. 1. Not that many people who use it are that good with it, and 2. Even the people who are good with it aren't ALWAYS going to land two headshot kills. Now, I'm a Thorn user myself. I'm not that great of a crucible player, but oh well. I'm more on the side of saying it shouldn't be nerfed, but if it did get nerfed, they should just slightly nerf about 3 or 4 parts of the gun, instead of focusing on point and nerfing that part of it to the ground. Now my question to you, OP. Can we have a decent conversation about this, or are you one of those people that will bitch at someone with a different opinion?