You guys always say its not the gun, but its the player's fault. I disagree. This gun can put the best crucible player to the ground with 2 headshots. This gun IS overpowered and you thorners just don't want it nerfed.
If you want to flame me for not being good in crucible, go ahead. Idc, my skill is higher than yours anyway. I still have to see an flamer with a higher kd here...
Edit: all these scrubs flaming don't want their thorn nerfed.... ;)
Edit: most of you guys could only whine about 'lucky' headshots, so i changed that.
Yet another Edit: i'm not saying that the thorn owns me, i outgun them 80% of the time. But that doesn't take away the fact that its too powerful. A simple stability or range nerf should suffice.
Again, Edit: wow how has this reached 500+ replies? I'm truly honored by all you flaming bastards who just keep flaming. For those who agree with me, thank you :)
Edit: going straight for the 1000 replies! Please keep flaming or replying! Thank you in advance, i am calling it the night for now.
Edit: just made the 1000 replies in [b]1 DAY[/b] thanks to all the flamers and other people! Really appreciate it!
Edit: Damn this post has been bashed on. The hate is real! I'm just putting down my opinion and some facts, get over it. Also, my skill actually has nothing to do with the stats of the thorn, its crazy right?
Edit: post just hit 1500+
Thats all. Nuff said.
Check out Tiny Baby Jesus's reply, it sums up the thorn.
Dude, it's not so easy to get those 2 head shots. Thorn kicks like a mule. I can often beat Thorn users with the last word or three little words. Sometimes even my un-upgraded suros. I don't see it as being that OP. Any more than a very skilled player already would be. I bet most Thorn users could do as good or better with Timur's Lash. Probably also Hawkmoon, for those that have access to it.
I tried using thorn this weekend in ib and got my ass handed to me. It is the player, I promise
In order for something to be OP, it needs to be alone at the top. TLW can kill faster than Thorn. Hawkmoon can kill faster than Thorn Red Death can kill just as fast as Thorn (and acts as a fairly reliable counter to it) There are a few others that need not be mentioned with equal or faster TTK's. If there are a majority of people using it, then use something that stops it in it's tracks. If you're too set in your ways to use something else, then the fault lies with you. It's not me flaming you, either. I'm just tired of hearing/seeing "Nerf" thrown around when it's not necessary. The original Vex was OP. As of now, nothing is.
Thorn is overpowered, that's why everybody uses it.
Disagree. The weapon cannot be blamed for poor timing, lack of gun skill, and bad positioning. If you got beat by Thorn, you got outplayed. Plain and simple. Let me explain. First, you had to put yourself in a venerable position for the Thorn user to hit you. You must put yourself in a good position to win the fight, which obviously you didn't because your dead. Thorn can't hit from behind a wall, stay in cover. Then, the Thorn user had to manipulate your position to where he can kill you. Thorn doesn't shoot by itself, nor does it find enemies for you. The Thorn user had to make a situation where he can either ambush you or be in a good position to win the firefight. So to say it doesn't take skill to use is outrageous. Then the Thorn user had to actually kill you. Both avoiding your bullets and landing shots on you. How can Thorn be blamed for that? How can you blame Thorn for you being outplayed? There's one thing people can't deny: [i]Had you played better, you would have won the firefight. If you lost, you obviously did something wrong.[/i] Not to be a douche, but just fix it next time you engage the Thorn user. It's really that simple, all you have to do is [i]play better.[/i] You don't poop gold. You aren't perfect. You made a mistake, so don't make that mistake again. I personally have beaten Thorn with Mida Multi tool as well as other weapons at various ranges. And pretty much every primary exotic that isn't an auto rifle or no land beyond is powerful enough to kill Thorn in a reasonable amount of time. Bungie shouldn't cater to the bad players any longer. They cannot baby you anymore. The problem [i]is[/i] you. Not the weapon. Grow up and take responsibility and stop asking to nerf people's hard earned weapon. [i]"But I just want balance."[/i] Bullshit. If you wanted balance you'd be petitioning to buff auto rifles, not destroy one gun. Auto rifles severely underperform from every other weapon class. [i]There's[/i] the imbalance. [spoiler]I defend Thorn out of fairness. Not because I use it as a crutch. I barely use it anymore. Mida is Bae <3.[/spoiler]
Either way, the guns isn't getting nurfed after HoW and may never change, so your post is irrelevant.
who cares
I think the two hit headshot is a part of the gun that makes it the way it is. However, bringing the magazine and reload back down a bit would be welcome.
Tlw> thorn
So all snipers should get nerfed since they can 1 shot kill w/ headshot?
Edited by Ry, Adamantine Monke Ninja: 5/4/2015 3:41:35 PMThorn is fine, it's not overpowered, you are just underpowered, in terms of skill and awareness. TLW and Oversoul edict kills faster than thorn; Git gud I have recent videos showing proof of this. PROOF. Edit: I don't have thorn.
Felwinters Lie still kills me more than thorn. (Is that the right spelling? I don't have that gun)
I take a neutral standpoint on this topic of discussion. Nerf or not, as long as it's performance in PvE does not decline, I will be happy. However, these kind of topics cause everyone to whine and complain. "Pls nerf too op in crucible!" "Pls git gud, thorn not op!" Everyone complains too much. Why don't you guys just use the thorn if it's too op? And if you choose not to use thorn because of "principle", then continue to die to thorn, because you have no right to complain. Seriously, thorn is good, maybe too good, but any good pvper can win matches with guns like TLW or the Vex.
Then don't get headshot....and learn to fight from [i]cover.[/i]
I don't use the thorn, but I don't think it's OP - because the number of shits I give about Crucible balance is zero. What I do care about is the pattern that has so far represented itself - which is that Crucible imbalances and preferences have caused Bungie to impact the PvE experience in a negative way. Autorifles are completely useless in PvE right now, and it's PvP's fault.
A Universal Remote or No Land Beyond can also put the best crucible players on the ground in 1 shot. Just because it's theoretically a 2 shot, doesn't mean that everyone get's two shot kills. Plus, not everyone gets killed with only 2 shots - especially if you are a better crucible player....
[quote]You guys always say its not the gun, but its the player's fault. I disagree. This gun can put the best crucible player to the ground with 2 headshots. This gun IS overpowered and you thorners just don't want it nerfed. If you want to flame me for not being good in crucible, my kd usually hangs around 2, but iron banner has destroyed my control kd... Edit: all these scrubs flaming don't want their thorn nerfed.... ;) Edit: most of you guys could only whine about 'lucky' headshots, so i changed that.[/quote] Wouldn't one way to handle this situation be to fix the aim assist? Skilled players would turn it off anyway and I believe that there would be a considerable difference between those that use it and those that don't. I use a maxed hawkmoon occasionally in pvp and still get wrecked from THW to bad juju and everything in between. But I'm not a great pvp player. But I will not jump on the "nerf what everyone enjoys" bandwagon. Regardless of whether you buy it from Xur, or do a crazy bounty for it, you[b]EARNED[/b] it. Why not enjoy the fruits of your labor? And since anyone can have these weapons, there's no point in complaining that it's OP. Get the gun yourself, get better at pvp, or if you feel that you can't hack it, ignore pvp all together. If everyone keeps bombarding the devs about nerfing weapons, they won't want to listen when a REAL problem arises.
Vex wins against mid close range against thorn everytime. If their sniping with thorn whip out an actual sniper
Hello, If you complain about the thorn and believe it needs nerfing, you are delusional. Your ego simply has to blame anything and everything but your lack of skills so you blame the thorn. If you think thorn ruins the game, go to college and some funding and create a game without the thorn in it. If you have earned a thorn and an enemy is wielding it then simply switch to your thorn and go one vs one with them. The skilled player will prevail. If you havent got a thorn to equip then i suggest you get good enough to complete the bounty. I have never seen so many delusional cry babies congregate in one corner of the internet than on here. If it was a game breaker you really think that the developers who show cased trials would let it slip? Theyd decimate every single one of you cry babies with or without it. The big dude with a beard who looked like something from hobbit was using a mida tool! A mida! And still pwning the testers. Triplewreck was using thorn and getting beat. Its a highly competitive game and you silly spoilt cry babies screaming for nerfs are ruining a game that is perfectly fine. Nerf your lack of skill and nerf your spoilt attitudes and get on with the game or go play cod where all guns are the same. I welcome tears, i welcome hate. If you are a crybaby you are bound to respond negatively to this. Big up all the real OGs who know how to handle a thorn user and dont cry and scream for nerfs and can shoot a fair one.
I rarely use thorn and I dont think its op. I guarantee ive killed more thorn users than have killed me during IB. You just need to learn how to approach it. Theres not many skilled thorn uses out there and when I do come across a skilled player red death beats them 9/10 times. If you dont have a red death use a scout rifle and beat them at range no scout rifle get a last word and beat them close up. The gun is not the problem your lack of ability is the issue learn how to counter it and you will no longer fear it.
Edited by Cmdr Chaos: 5/4/2015 4:54:27 PMThis post makes me sad. Sad that there's another forum post about thorn. Sad that yet another person is clamoring for "weapon balance" in a casual game. Sad that the poster doesn't understand what OP actually means. And sad that Bungie may one day listen to all of these people and break my weapon again. Edit: I suck at crucible. Yet I'm able to out gun a thorn user with Mida, voc, juju, and Vex. Just to name a few I used this weekend getting to ib rank 4.
Aww... Did you miss the Tumurs Lash, Red Death, Strangers Rifle, any Sniper, almost Any decent Pulse rifle, Oh and some of the BLUE (rare) level handcannons. [b]CAN ALL TWO SHOT[/b] All you fools are alike... Zero common sense
Lets see......A shoulder charge is a kill, Felwinter's Lie is a shot with shot package from a far distance, both TLW Hawkmoon 2-3 precision shot, etc. Why are you not whining about these? Hmm........maybe because it is easier to notice the Thorn due to the green screen? I think so. am over Rank 4 with my Hunter and 3.25 with my Warlock. Meaning I have played ALOT of Iron Banner. I have been killed MORE by a shot gun, shoulder charge, Vex and crap weapons like 3 little words than the Thorn. Hell, I have been hit more by other weapons than a Thorn. Point is, people like you only complain about things you notice. The screen going green will make you notice MORE than just getting hit by a normal gun. With this, quit crying and play COD. There are more weapons being used than the Thorn in Iron Banner!
There are plenty of other guns if we're discussing the notion of OP. Which of course puts the whole initial premise in doubt. Like others have said, people mistakenly consider something OP simply because it's popular. People originally complained about IB only consisting of the OP Suros when it was mostly a byproduct of the daily auto rifle headshot bounty. The Suros was never OP, just non-coincidentally popular. Bottom line: If you cannot beat a better player with a vendor legendary hand cannon, you will still not be able to beat them with a Thorn.
I am a collector of the hand cannons. I have played extensively with each. Thorns aim assist is ridiculously high. Hawkmoons aim assist is not as high, but it is still up there. Thorn is OP only because of the DOT, and rate of fire, along with the aim assist. If you take away the DOT it would be no better than TLW and would pale in comparison to Hawkmoon. Hawkmoon is a 2 headshot kill, 3 shot kill with only 1 headshot, or if proc 1 head 1 body. But, it has lower rate of fire, and less aim assist. Thorn fires faster and has extremely high aim assist, which results in more headshots, and with DOT- its a 2 shot headshot kill. DOT is the difference. If I get off 2 gheleon demise headshots in the time you get off 2 thorn headshots, you will go down first, I will go down shortly after because of DOT, when in reality you got out gunned by a less aim assisted lower rate of fire gun, but still get rewarded. This is why it is OP. But, with this being said, it was much harder to get in game, and much harder to level up because of it being an exotic. And, it is an exotic, which means it should be OP. It's exotic for a reason.
NLB takes 1 headshot. Nerf it!