Have you ever had a six man feed before? If you have, what was it like and how did you do it?
Mine was in control with a shoulder dash through the air over a wall to a FoH on an A flag. Didn't even realize till I got 2 achievements and filled the feed with the FoH devastation. Probably the best crucible moment I'll ever have
Have done this twice once with Nova Bomb on a capture point. I was yelling, "watch the feed watch the feed!" The other time I think I killed the team and a few people twice on a capture point with blade dancer with encore.
Nova Bomb while they were all getting heavy ammo
Yes gold gun
Got every last one with arc blade. I was so happy.
Striker Titan in control ; )
Got all 6 with Arc, record is 5 with Nova and Fist.
I catch 5'ers all the time. I've only ever completely wiped a team once with Fist of Havoc and shockwave when they were hiding in a bubble.
I got five on B at blind watch and I turned around the corner at the bottom of the steps saw the last guy to the. Left of me and before I could even fact one of my teammates sniped him lol
Yup, after killing 2 to steal their Heavy and giving it back a bullet at a time to the other 4 with the Jolder's Hammer as they ran in to get it. Killed one of them twice (gotta love self-revving Warlocks). I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. By the 7th kill I could barely see through the tears. Got me the LMG Headshot, HS Spree, 10-kill and Invective Bounties too (during the IB)
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I believe I've gotten five before, but never six. Always that one person who gets away just in time, or is on the other side of the freaking planet.
I've done it twice. Once during this month's iron banner and the first time during last month's iron banner. The first time I did it was on the B flag of Firebase Delphi there were two titan bubbles and 4 gunslinger hunters. I ran in with my ahamkara helmet and a nova bomb. I died in the process, but annihilated the whole team as well. The 2nd time was the map where people like to snipe where the C spawn's heavy is(I can't remember the name of it). Anyway, I ran in to the C spawn with my Hawkmoon and snagged 4 kills before having to reload and I switched to my two to the morgue and put the last two enemies in their respective morgue.
Space magic killed all six at C flag heavy ammo on Blind Watch
Yeah one time in iron banner everybody on my team was waiting for our heavy, and same with people on their team. So I started sprinting there and I FOH all 6 and got heavy
Yup Space Magic man. Space Magic!
No I haven't, but I try really hard.
FoH the team waiting for heavy
What medal did you get?
Got one last week I was waiting at the special ammo with someone on my fireteam and I waved at him then he danced at me... We got the ammo I turned around there was a dude right there so I punched him in the face saw two more come around the corner so I used my fist of havoc and got all 6 of them somehow it was really funny
At the very start of a match one time I managed to snipe five of them coming down a hallway! XD Ran out of ammo for the last one though Another time I golden-gunned five! That was a thrill! I had the explosive perk and they had all spawned close together Both were super lucky, haven't gotten six yet though!
Yeah on the Burning Shrine (clash) the entire enemy team was camping the heavy ammo next to Zone A. I snuck around were Zone A was and started firing on them. I took out one of them before I realized the whole team was there. In my dying breath i launched a Nova Bomb. Wiped out the other 5 guys. I got all sorts of medals from that one. Including one I had never seen before called Breaker.
Haven't managed all 6 yet but I have caught 5 at a flag in control with a nova bomb
Yup! Rusted lands, they were on A heavy during IB, nova bombed 4 of em, then the other 2 died inside that vortex shortly after It was beautiful
That's epic dude!! Only ever got 5. Nova bomb on point C twilight gap. I want to know the best strat for getting the seventh column medal. ( 7 kills !!)
Does my raid team count?