And I lol'ed, then it got a little deeper.
First off, I would assume he or she meant peon, or they literally meant to pee on...... But but not here to discuss grammar.
Backstory: I responded to invite my 32 hunter to a raid recruitment post that requested only level 32 characters for VoG hard. I figured not a big deal, it's VoG. I was unprepared for how adamant he/she was as they responded with name calling in all caps. Now, their response wasn't all that bad and it is my assumption that it was their intent to yell through text given the nature of the message.
I laugh at internet tough guys. But then I started thinking about this, and and it bothered me. I have a young nephew that plays a lot and it bothers me to think that he and many others may have to play with people like this. These are the people that leach the enjoyment out of video games, especially games with a devoted community.
I can appreciate wanting level cap toons to make the encounters a little smoother. Hell, I would prefer a group of all 32's as well. It can be a pain to run with lower levels sometimes. But it is wrong turn away a person or group base on a superficial number that does not represent ones skill level, until proven otherwise, especially in the manner he or she chose.
These types of personalities, the ones who are so eager to simplify their experience, and who are so competitive they attempt to dictate every aspect possible, ruin the purpose behind the development of these games. They ruin the community's experience and enjoyment, and hinder the developers efforts to reach out to their community.
So here's to you "Rear Pounder" (if that's not any indication). Hopefully your raid accomplished what you wanted it too. However, I honestly wish there was a way for the community to filter out you the personality you represent.
Edited by MagikSkull: 5/4/2015 4:43:56 PMIt does suck. My son will be 8 years old soon and I hate the thought of him having to deal with losers like that. He doesn't get to play Destiny or anything not age appropriate, but I worry about when he gets older and has to play with these types of douchebags. [spoiler]I'm almost positive I've raided with that guy before and it was terrible. Maybe ive just read some of his posts? Was this on Xbox One? [/spoiler]