originally posted in:Devize Sigma
For all the new players we just accepted if any of you are just getting into the end game Ill be hosting a NM (Normal Mode) VoG (Vault of Glass) raid each Wednesday up till HoW (House of Wolves) drops, to help you guys get some quick gear to push you into VoG HM (Hard Mode) and CE (Crota's End) eligibility.
If this time does not work for you please let me know in the comments and I will work with everyone to find a time we can all raid at. Happy hunting guardians!
1. Funkwall
2. PiKapp359
3. Davidhannah26
4. Skizz nT
5. Quashi
6. Qualden
[b][u]Group 2 led by Max T[/b][/u]
1. Max T
I would love to help 2nd group
I do not need the normal mode on VOG, but I would be happy to help others complete the raid anytime. If that would be helpful, let me know and I will be there. Thank you.
I'm down to start a 2nd group if there's enough people for this
I've done this before, but am always happy to run through it and get some shards, etc. 10:45pm EST/ 10:30pm EST (Can't really tell from the thread).
So the official time for this raid is 9:45 pm central/10:45 eastern
I should be able to make this
Preferably 9:30 pm for me. I'm a bit behind on some paperwork at work so I'll be in the office til then. If more people write down what times they prefer, I can work around those times. Just let me know! :)