Hello everyone,
This is my first post on here so please be kind....
There may be an existing topic already created for Sparrow upgrades, however it's been bugging me lately so I decided to post this and perhaps we can get a decent discussion going and maybe we will perk the eyes and ears of the developers :)
OKAY, so here is the main thing that prompted this post:
As a pre-order bonus I was given a fantastic looking Hunter sparrow, it's awesome; it has the Hunter emblem right on the front, a cool design just below the handlebars, and all sorts of cool little accents that make it unique, I love it.
But here's the problem: it's an Uncommon (green) level Sparrow.
What I don't understand is why would I be gifted with such a great looking sparrow that was almost immediately made obsolete after just a few hours of gameplay?
I guess my main point I am trying to make is that I wish more was done with Sparrows, we've all said Sparrow shaders would be cool, we should be able to change the color of the contrail, and that's all well and good.
I feel, however that what we are truly missing is some sort of upgrade system (other than Xur) for our sparrows.
It could be upgraded using pricey and/or hard to maintain items I suppose, just to add a sense of accomplishment, just as long as it existed.
Bungie, if you're listening: I want to use my pre-order Hunter Sparrow again, please make that happen!
I could care less about additional speed. I just want phasers set to kill on my sparrow.
Very much agree with this, I've put in something like 500 hours (at a guess) and am still driving round on the best sparrow that I have at my disposal, a poxy rare model bought from that awful ship selling tomboy bird. Utter garbage.
What sparrow is it?