First, let me say Destiny is the first real multiplayer, first-person shooter game I've played on my PS4. I've played COD, Halo and other older games on PC so I'm getting used to aiming/moving with a controller versus a mouse and keyboard. I love playing the crucible, its lots of fun ... but holy crap there are some great players out there. And that's my issue ... I find that I'm losing most head-to-head battles; meaning that I'm hitting my opponents 4-5 times vs. 1-2 shots to kill me.
Here's my setup:
Coiledhiss 1919 pulse rifle
Invective Shotgun
Deviant Gravity A machine gun
(Titan, Light 30, defence of 1509 ... currently upgrading my legendary Iron Regalia Plate chest armor I got with Iron Banner. My focus is inntellect but am well-rounded).
I'm okay with headshots but I find it really difficult to get kills using my primary. I mostly run around (sometimes kamikaze style) and kill guardians using my shotgun or pray for some heavy ammo and use my machine gun. I actually get over 50% of my crucible kills using a machine gun ... it's kinda my niche.
I need to update my primary and looking for tips. What do people recommend for someone with "okay" aim, and average gameplay? Any advice would be great.
Titans rule! lol
Try doing raids!