Be nice to each other! Let's all meet together. I've got the dip.
Has the dip expired?
I was gonna tell a joke about Destiny but I phogoth it...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ... ..... ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
You have just entered into the fountain of bump
"So over here we have the gunsmith, and this is the Cryptarch here, you see. Those stairs will take you down to the.." Who's that over there? "Oh. Yeah that's just Eris. Don't mind her." Is she OK? I mean.. "Yeah look she's probably fine. Now, this tunnel leads to through to.." Yes but, shouldn't we help her or something? I think she's talking to herself. And her [i]face[/i].. "You mean the mascara thing? Or the Splinter Cell mask? She does it for attention. Same as the rants about Crota, the parking wherever she feels like it when there's a hangar [i]right there [/i]for heaven's sake. Just ignore her. We all do." But that's so sad. Seems like she needs a friend. "She needs a shower and some elephant-strength antipsychotic drugs. The stink coming off her.. I swear you can almost see it. She's lost her marbles, you know. Her head's all over the place like a mad woman's shit." Oh my god, that's terrible! "Ah, whaddya gonna do. People start wearing their pyjamas outside in the daytime, you step right round 'em and you just keep on truckin' - am I right?" Er.. "Damn straight. You don't break pace. Otherwise you'll be there all day. Crota this, Crota that, end of the world, blah blah, all my friends are dead, poor old me, whinge whine moan. It's just the same old tune on the same old fiddle." Well that seems.. "Trust me. Or ask anyone, they'll say the same thing. Just dodge her. You know we've only got her word as to what happened to the rest of her fireteam. For all we know they're stuffed in the back of that shitbox ship she's tied up like its a horse." But that's.. "Look look, never mind her. She doesn't matter. And you've got to see this. We've got a jukebox downstairs." A jukebox? "You bet. It only plays music for thirty seconds at a time, though."
'This post has self-resurrected'
Just beat skolas for the first time after disconnecting all previous attempts I'm a happy guardian
Everyone is welcome. Besides Blade Dancers. Get out, fakers.
-posts in a dark corner, busts out a bag of herb, rolls a fat one, pulls his helmet off, takes a fat hit, and smiles- I love all my guardian kin, even if they don't love each other.
Bump if u agree with the spoiler [spoiler]Guardian masterrace[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Can I stay? I raided margaritaville in Atlantic city, nj and got their giant Margarita tub! -
Where's the bud man?
[b][i][u]I'll beat your face[/u][/i][/b]
(-•-•-)nerdy bump
Edited by A Forklift: 6/27/2015 8:24:19 PMI got all three classes. But I main hunter. I brought some burgers.
Edited by thx1765: 6/27/2015 7:38:58 PMGood thing I have all three classes
A titan: why are my eyes so red Hunter: are you okay? Warlock: need to see a doctor dude? Titan: no, I just haven't been blinking
Without each other, we would've never cracked open the Vault. Without each other Crota would've returned. Without each other the Fallen would not be in their cages. Alone, we Guardians are capable, yes, but together we are brighter than the Traveler itself. No challenge has or will stop us. As long as we are fighting together, the Dark will be afraid of us.
Can any one guess which helmet I'm on about when is say: Creepy Face
Titan: "Just because I do laundry on my washboard abs and all..... doesn't mean I'm showing off. Sheesh.' Hunter & Warlock: Both toss him their dirty underwear and socks and walk away.
Edited by Lord Fried: 6/26/2015 5:12:21 PM*accidentally hits Warlock with flaming hammer* oops
*walks in with dual shock blades on sides a bandolier of shock grenades and Lord of Wolves on back* Hi everyone
.. And I got the nachos.
Titan here. Brought a keg.